I guess one really can’t argue with an expert. It’s like “you know your family better than I do.”
I hope this will be filmed at high speed for use in an ultra-slow motion Heinz 57 commercial-type meme.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We love it when you talk dirty.
It’s as if not being a racist is the social norm today.
I’m an admirer of Middlebury College and a graduate of the Monterey Institute, but I was appalled by the way the Middlebury students treated Murray and his faculty hosts. How would progressives feel if Noam Chomsky or Jon Stewart were drowned out by screaming students and physically attacked by hooded bullies?
Jeff Sessions is an unrepentant racist and his comparison is shameful, but the larger point he was ineptly trying to make is not wrong. When people who call themselves “liberal” start behaving like the opponents we call bigoted, how are we any better or even different? We can’t have it both ways! We are either going to support the rights of all citizens to speak and be heard, especially on college campuses, of all places, or we’re going to allow self-appointed gatekeepers to decide for us whose voices we are and are not allowed to hear.
Well said.
Political correctness = feeding the hungry
Political correctness = healing the sick
Political correctness = welcome the foreigner
Political correctness = love your neighbor as yourself.
I suppose that’s the problem the GOP is really having at this point, isn’t it? Yes, I’m having a conversation with myself…it’s the DayQuil, so cut me some slack. I mean, here they are…TAH DAH!..oh so excited and ready to sell everyone the same ideas that they’ve been selling for ages and which have been proven failures, totally debunked or, at best, are clinging to life by the merest thread…and hey, even better, how about all the great ideas they’re trying to resurrect…oldies but goodies like white supremacy and theocracy…but what they’re facing is a wall of humanity telling them “yeah, been there done that, didn’t work, next!” So they HAVE TO resort to the colleges and universities and the undeserved propping-up those ideas receive by being placed in a sterile academic setting for some quasi-intellectual debate that humanity and reality already had on the subject. Of course they have to…practical reality’s feedback is the ultimate arbiter of said ideas’ value, but in the academic setting THEY GET TO IGNORE IT. They get to play the game of “all ideas get a participation trophy” in hopes that they snare some more true-believing twits who like the sound of the dead words more than they like having to consider their effect on the living. Now I’m rambling haha…damn you VIcks…
If there’s one thing the twerp knows about, it’s the Klan. You might say he has inside information.
O/T BREAKING: The Senate will not vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal Obamacare. https://goo.gl/JcRgWV
"“But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”
“But,” Sessions went on to say, “of course, if it were conservatives doing it, it would be just fine.”
He thought the KKK was just fine until he learned that some of them smoke weed. Pot is worse than racism in his mind.
The student protesters are like the KKK? So, that means Sessions admires them, right?
Irony? wasn’t that one of the boats that was sunk during the Civil War War of Northern Aggression?
LOL! Thats just funny!
Where shall we start the line?
These Right Wingers live in a real echo chamber, don’t they. When was the last time Sessions was on a campus for more than an Alabama football game?
This from the Attorney General of the United States of America?? Pathetic!!
Well, how did progressives react to the physical attacks at Middlebury? I find no evidence of support for the violence, and in the few articles I read (I don’t have TV or a newspaper subscription, and am blissfully unaware of much that appears in the news), support for disruption to the point of preventing Murray from making his presentation is definitely in the minority.
Here’s a nice piece that captures the thoughts of a number of Middleburg students in their own words: Discord at Middlebury: Students on the Anti-Murray Protests
This piece in The Atlantic includes some helpful observations by “Julie A. Reuben, a Harvard professor who specializes in the history of American education:” The New College Protest
I don’t think it is wise to judge any part of the ideological spectrum on how their college-age members behave. They all behave like college kids, for good and bad. They have a lot of energy. They want to make a difference. “Compromise” leaves a bad taste in their mouths. They have relatively limited perspective as a whole.
I liked this section from the piece in The Atlantic:
Students today haven’t yet been trained about effective methods of protest, Reuben said, as they were during the 1960s. Instead, they are emulating what they believe are the obstructionism methods of the right. These protesters are young, inexperienced, and untrained students who are getting swept up in group dynamics. Without a strong voice to organize students, situations like happened at Middlebury might happen again at other schools, she said.