I think what he means is that he’s confused by the Nazi attitude. “Why didn’t they just kick them out?” he wondered.
His comment is so bizarre, I have to think he is just too overjoyed at the comparison to think properly.
“It’s a real exaggeration,” he said to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. “In Nazi Germany, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country, but this is a serious matter."
Sessions is a well educated and trained legal professional. He should be able to put a cogent and logical argument together. Did anything he say actually make sense regardless of it being evil or not? Leaning to the idea he is showing some wear and decline.
He is just a hair off of saying it is all good since they are not pulling dental work from these people for the precious metals.
Ignorance or lying. The comparison is painfully apt. As the oppression ratcheted up, many Jews tried to flee Germany, and the Nazis were perfectly happy for them to go. The problem was finding a country that would take them in. Because of our restrictions imposed in 1924, only a limited number were able to come here. We could have lifted those restrictions, as a humanitarian act, but we didn’t. Guess why. It’s just like the people now fleeing gang violence in their homes. They just want to live, and they have no place to go. The administration is sending them home to die because God forbid they stay here and vote for a Democrat one day.
So basically…
“What? You want better for your children? We’ll show you!”
Kinda makes me wish I’m wrong about religion and there is a God/Heaven/Hell.
Yes, we’re not putting them to death with poison gas; just doing irreparable psychological harm.
Well, not so much see it as know that it happens.
Other options include a pineapple…
Yeah, the Nazis didn’t like certain people because they were Jewish and they didn’t consider them white enough. These folks are mostly Catholic and we don’t consider them white enough. Completely different situation.
“Christians should give more offense, shock the world far more, than they are doing now. Christians should take a stronger stand in favor of the weak rather than considering first the possible right of the strong.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Sermon on 2 Corinthians 12:9
London, 1934
Needs to save that for his next interview.
Hey you goose stepping hobbit.
I dare you to go on any other channel than the Trump Channel and say the same thing
I guarantee they ain’t going to blow smoke up your ass like Faux
The difference between the US government under Trump and Nazi Germany under Hitler, is that the Nazi’s kept better records. The Nazi’s were better organized to carry out and run their detention facilities than this group.
Hey Kirstjen Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance, doubly true when running your program between two departments.
It’s a chilling anology. He’s essentially describing our policy as similar to Nazi Germany’s up to 1941.
“People who want economic migration for their personal financial benefit and what they think is their family’s benefit is not a basis for a claim of asylum.”
I actually thought he was better in Blues Brothers. He even dressed for the part.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that comparing the Trump administration’s separation of families at the border to Nazi Germany is a “real exaggeration,” noting that the Nazis were keeping Jews from leaving the country.
No, it is not an exaggeration you moronic little prick. America has a long history of separating parents and children. A fact conveniently left out of your history books.
You just don’t give a rodent’s patootie about these children. But guess what? One day LADY KARMA is going to introduce herself to you and I want a front row seat!
I said it yesterday, and I’ll say it again, Beauregard has overextended himself on this issue. He may be cunning but he is not good on tv and he can barely keep from showing us the white sheet he clutches under his desk.
This comment is textbook of what not to say in politics. He basically compared his policy to Nazi light.
If Sessions keeps this up, he’s going to give Trump a legitimate basis to fire him, Javanka will push him to do it to quell this firestorm and to roil the Mueller investigation, and Trump might do it.
Though they would be doing these deeds in secret, I wish these Trumpists would stop going on Fox.
Even that Sessions statement is untrue. During the 1930s, the Nazis used Jewish children as hostages, putting an actual price on the heads of individual children and demanding money to let them go. No real difference between the Nazis and the Trumpists.
Pathetic old Nazi wannabe sez what?
Oh, and Sieg Heil, Laura!
Trump hired actual Nazis (Gorka - where’s he been lately?), wannabe Nazis (Miller) and assorted racists and boobs (Sessions, Kelly). He thinks neo-Nazis are “very fine people.” Why in the world would anybody be surprised when his crack team of racist liars concoct Nazi-like policies?
Someone said, pre-election: “This is why it’s not okay to have a racist for a president.” Oh, that was me. Too soon to say I told you so?