"They’re very, very old charges,” the paper quoted him telling Mississippi News Now. “You have to ask, and I think people in Alabama will be asking, why this hasn’t come out in the 40 years’ time with him running for so many offices.”
Because of people like you, you deplorable, peice of shit, women are often terrified to come forward. They’re afraid they won’t be believed and that they’ll be dragged through the mud by morons like you.
And, by the way, they didn’t come forward. WaPo found them and finally convinced them to speak their truths.
One Moore’s supporters just told CNN that a thirty-two year old sexually touching a fourteen year-old was the same as stealing a lawnmower – both are misdemeanors.
MSNBC just had clip of Queens Congressman Joe Crowley (ugh, my congressman) talking about how the new Tax Bill is not gonna do well. But nothing on Allred. I guess she has been shunted away from Live Coverage.
Beverly Young Nelson, she was a minor she was sexually assaulted by Moore. Allred says that at the time of the assault, Moore was a district attorney in Alabama.
Everyone, especially those in AL, need to pay close attention to these people apologizing and excusing Moore. Pay attention and keep these freaks far away from your children.
Legally they can push for a write-in of course but, if Republican leadership was serious, they could make it clear that Moore will be expelled from the chamber if he wins; in effect removed as soon as he takes the oath. There is ample precedent for expulsion but it won’t happen because Republican leadership is only serious about only one thing, okay two: keeping power, transferring wealth upward while cutting government programs that aid the less wealthy (meaning anyone too ‘poor’ to have a taxable estate).
They are trying to force Moore out so the republican gov in bama can postpone the election and put strange back in. If this happens all hell will break loose in bama
N.B.: Hatch, Cruz, Cornyn and Lee cast votes (in committee) to advance the nomination of this idiot:
I guess a complete and total lack of experience, plus a lack of recommendation from the ABA are OK, but pedophilia is a “bridge too far.” Good to know. #partybeforecountry
What the GOP needs to say is that they will expel him from the chamber even if he should win. But they won’t do that because they need some sort of legislative win.
Judge Roy Moore @MooreSenate
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The person who should step aside is @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell. He has failed conservatives and must be replaced. #DrainTheSwamp