Discussion: Senate Trench Warfare Escalates: GOP Filibusters Two Bipartisan Bills

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Every time you think they can’t go any lower; they go lower.

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So the GOP is upset because the “nuclear option” was taken in November. They seem to forget that, had they gone about business in proper fashion, that tactic would need not have been employed.

Go ahead, GOP. Stomp your feet a bit more. It’ll help to practice for when you’re served your walking papers…

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If a bipartisan committee wrote a nonbinding statement declaring the sky to be blue, and President Obama supported it, the Republicans would filibuster it, just on general principle.

It’s just what they do.


Well, Republicans, if you can’t garbage up other bills with your ax-grinding amendments, why don’t you package them in a single, shit-smelling bill that you wouldn’t even vote for? Yep, that’s what I thought.

I have to disagree that there is merit to their complaints. If they offered amendments relevent to the bill, or amendments unrelated to the bill but appropriately sized, as it were, instead of amending a post office naming bill with the Affordable Care Act type of bill, maybe Sen. Reid would let them add amendments. But if you abuse the system, at some point the system admin’s are going to say no.


“…turned the Senate into a graveyard of good ideas…”

All Democratic ideas, but keep that quiet. Republicans haven’t got any at all.


those tax breaks should be discontinued - democrats and our moron president are just as bad at stealing from the poor to subsidize the rich

Is this the famous “tax extenders” bill that originated in the House Ways and Means, and just sort of slipped unnoticed through both houses, as it has done for the past several years, without much publicity? If it is, maybe the R’s, in shooting themselves in the foot, did the rest of us a favor.

Call me “Cokie Roberts” but I suspect we’ll see the Republicans bolt from the filibuster to withhold huge tax breaks from big corporations. The filibuster to withhold health benefits to veterans looks solid though.

You gotta admire the “Last Days of Pompeii” vibe to the Republicans these days.


these tax cuts should be allowed to expire and let our moronic president and the democrats resubmit each tax cut on its own merit

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Mitch McConnell ads running here in KY are so bloody awful….incredibly creepy. It’s going to be a long summer.

The traitors in the Republican Party are fighting a war of attrition. If something drastic does not happen, they will win.

I agree, but Obama has been a moron when it comes to economic issues. tell me, in the history of America have you ever seen a gov’t allow the middle class and poor to be foreclosed on and the rich be subsidized thru a recession? also, many of these tax cuts are corporate welfare.

I wonder if Harry Reid got President Obama’s message Wednesday that Democrats need to change “how a filibuster works.”

It’s hard to adapt to the rules of upside-down land. Might as well through out all the Republicans, let Democrats be the party of big business, and liberals will have to run as Republicans.

Just daring Reid to get rid of the filibuster because the GOP sincerely believes that they will win the majority in the midterms. They are just shy of insane.

I’ve never seen so many people act so childish. They should be taken to the woodshed. It’s a disgusting display of childishness when there is work to be done in this country.

HouseTrashing juvenile TeaLinquents

and the SenateSonsOfMitches.

Just what OBL had in mind for destroying the US.

Congressional Republicans have no clear idea what they are FOR, only what they are against – i.e., pretty much anyone who the Obama Administration nominates for an appointment, any program that the White House promotes, or any piece of legislation that Senate Democrats propose to bring to a vote.

And so Senate Republicans have been invoking the filibuster as often as they use toilet paper, for no other reason than “it’s within our right to do so”.

In short, the GOP has resigned itself to serve as little more than a speed-bump on the road to progress.