Discussion: Senate Passes GOP Budget: Let The Obamacare Battles Begin

Discussion for article #234749

More hocus-pocus for the rubes, nothing new here!

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“…cutting health care and other benefit programs…”

The nation’s biggest benefit programs – corporate subsidies and military pork – were spared, since that welfare program works just fine, with taxpayer dollars being directed to Republican donors.


Speaking of the ACA…

This needs to be going far and wide.


Obama wont sign it and the GOTP is laying the foundation to get their asses kicked in 2016.

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Why the hell didn’t the dems filibuster this?

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The Senate was beginning a spring recess after approving the measure, leaving Congress’ two GOP-run chambers to negotiate a compromise budget in mid-April. The legislation is a non-binding blueprint that does not require Obama’s signature but lays the groundwork for future bills that seem destined for veto fights with the president


Budget bill.cant be filibustered


If you want the complete list of what they voted on and either passed or rejected, go here: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/vote_menu_114_1.htm

Turtle seems quite pleased with kicking millions off their health insurance. What is wrong with these people?

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"Though doctors face a 21 percent cut in Medicare fees April 1, the government can delay processing those payments until Congress’ return. "

Suddenly it’s OK for the government to not enforce some laws?


It always has been, until the President became black.


I guess mcturtle and bonehead had to head into the weekend feeling like there important once more.
All mouth no substance and a total failure as a taxpayer employee.
Layed off, fired or removed from our property would be a great first step.


Unfortunately, facts are not relevant to the ideologues.

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Shorter GOP budget …
Cut taxes on 1%
Fund defense and other programs that help the 1%
Cut everything else

They then sell this as something that helps the middle class, which the GOP defines as the people between the richest person in the country and the top 1%.

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Military spending wasn’t just spared, it was increased, at a rather large rate. Well over what was agreed to in 2011 and in 2013.

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It looks like we’re about six months away from the next GOP government shutdown.

Senate Passes GOP Budget

Who says you need to go to Emory University to learn creative writing?

Let the Obamacare battles begin, what? Were those first 60 or so votes to repeal O-care just a warm up? 5 long years of teabaggings just child’s play?

The O-care battle is eternal at least until we are ever lucky enough to join the smart countries and have national coverage.
Conservatives, proving their disingenuousness, want to wipe out the ACA that saves billions while doing almost immeasurable good and just wind up right back where we were with an exploding, unaffordable, uncontained health sector that was destined to break America’s back as well as let millions of Americans suffer and die because of stupid campaign contributions.
This isn’t anywhere near being about the budget, its the typical reverse Robin hood syndrome that the neo-cons always fall back on. Take from the most deserving and give to the least. Create more poor and richer rich, ad infinitum.