They’d have bitched and moaned if Ds had done that.
Trying to scrape up a little of that ’ face ’ he’s lost ? ? …
It’s amazing the lengths that some will resort to ----
and for the McJerk to actually find needs to do something good …
Icing on the sheetcake —
Ryan said that the president didn’t want to have “some partisan fight in the middle of the response [to two major hurricanes].”
On the other hand Ryan, McConnell, et al. were fine with the idea and Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) “gasped” when he heard the partisan fight had been canceled. It’s beyond amazing that a major political party and its “leadership” can be so tone deaf.
Trump has McConnell’s name tattooed on one ass cheek and Ryan’s on the other so they now know where they are too kiss.
It’s always bothered me the links these idiots will go to not work in a bipartisan manner. Imagine what they could get done if they didn’t put all their effort in to going it alone, to not allow the Democrats to get any credit for anything good.
If you listen to a lot of interviews with Republican politicians they talk about doing things that are good for the party. You almost never hear them talk about doing things that are good for the country.
In the meeting with Republican and Democratic leaders on Wednesday, Trump also suggested doing away with the debt ceiling entirely, according to congressional aides who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The GOP must be going nuts.
But this would probably be smart politically for the GOP wouldn’t it? I mean, every time the debt ceiling vote comes up the crazies like Ted Cruz try to use it as leverage and the Democrats hit them for being irresponsible children.
Though, then they’d have to explain to all their voters on disability and medicaid why the “fedrul gubmint is spendin all muh munny!”
McConnell: “You can sh_t on my face, but that doesn’t mean I have to lick my lips.”
I lie back and think of England.
Weirdly, this is a sensible thing to do. End times?
The “no” votes were (all GOP):
So those clowns are pro-default, pro-refusing to pay for what they passed into law, and anti-hurricane aid.
Got it.
They’re not “tone deaf”. They’re hypocrites.
I wonder if Daines is going to want some money for those fires in Montana?
Yeah and let’s make damn sure the voters know it too.
We are the party that gets things done. They are the party that breaks everything, can’t get anything done and shuts the government down.
Oh, do shut up, Ben, you two-faced little weasel.
That was fast. Lot happening all of the sudden in 2 days.
Thanks for the list of “no’s”. This is an AP story, and I have never understood why, when listing votes on controversial issues, they seldom if ever provide a link to the yeas and nays. Why is this so difficult for a news agency?
Hurricanes and earthquakes? One year ago many in the religious right would be raking in $millions in donations because “god is punishing us because of Terrorist Obama and Crooked Hillary.” What is their scare tactic now? How about:
“Godliest Donald is showing just how powerful he really is and you better support Trump by donating to our church or the liberals will take over and make you all gay and Muslim.”
Plus, where is Senator Cruz on this $15 BILLION aid package? Probably blaming the damage on Terrorist Obama and Crooked Hillary.