Discussion: Senate Dems Want The RNC To Pay For The Benghazi Committee

Trump just put more gas into the fire: “Why the committee is pivoting away from HRC?” he asks. This is a political hack and the republicans should pay for it. This soiled committee is the one dishonoring the four Americans who died in the attack. Republicans are the ones using their deaths, their bodies and even their graves for political purposes.


You beat me to it.


Me too (all the more so when thinking about his likely successor).


It would, however, be kind of hilarious if she said that on what turns out to be another Benghazi fundraising e-mail…

Harry Reid’s pathetic attempt to inject politics into the final, definitive account of the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans dishonors their memory and has no basis in reality.

…So please give a generous contribution of $5, $10, $25, $1,000, or at our platinum billionaire $1,000,000 level, to let us fight back against the scurrilous accusations of these un-American Democrat operatives!

Paid for by the RNC ©.


How many thousands of Americans have been killed by gun violence while these investigations into the death of 4 people have taken place? Where is the outrage over that? Maybe because they can’t blame Hillary or the Dems over that?


“has no basis in reality”.

Why then are REPUBLICANS making direct statements to the effect that the the Benghazi Committee was TRYING to find dirt on Hillary Clinton?

WHY would REPUBLICANS say that if it wasn’t true?

What would be their Republiclan MOTIVE for LYING?

By the way, does SCIENCE have “no basis in reality”?


Au contraire. That’s because of gun free zones that we goddamn liberals insist on having. No investigation necessary.

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Let’s go to the phones!
We have a Dr. Ben Carson on the line. Hello, Ben!

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“Harry Reid’s pathetic attempt to inject politics into the final,
definitive account of the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed
four Americans dishonors their memory and has no basis in reality,” RNC
National Press Secretary Allison Moore said in the statement. “This
cheap political stunt from disgruntled members of the minority party is
nothing more than an in-kind contribution to the Clinton campaign paid
for with taxpayer dollars.”

Ms Moore is one pathetic and dishonest person to use the phrase “9/11” without the accompanying “12” for the year it occurred. She is making it seem HRC and by extension Obama are responsible for the Twin Towers attacks of a decade + one year earlier. That is epic dishonesty but it’s what republicans do … to steal a phrase from Geico commercials.


…whereas the RNC is really OK with their expensive political stunts… which is their idea of creating jobs.


The magic word is “Clinton.” Remember the $40mil spent investigating Monica Lewinsky’s dress???

It’s what the GOP does, cast a cloud of distrust and innuendo over the Clintons, or any Democrat in the White House.

When it comes to the G.O.P., I’d have to reverse the adage: “Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.”


Great idea Sen. Reid!

Please continue to highlight waste, fraud, and campaign abuse in the House of Representatives!

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Hey Allison, here’s one disgruntled citizen’s battle cry directed toward your head of flaming hair: "BEN GOWDEEEE!!!.."

See you in November 2016.

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“Harry Reid’s pathetic attempt to inject politics into the final, definitive account of the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans dishonors their memory and has no basis in reality,”

Pot calling kettle black.

RNC National Press Secretary Allison Moore said in the statement. “This cheap political stunt from disgruntled members of the minority party is nothing more than an in-kind contribution to the Clinton campaign paid for with taxpayer dollars.”
Taxpayer $$$ cannot be used to finance campaigns. The whole Republican party is amoral

Right now Rep. Mike Pompeo is saying the Benghazi attacks are worse than Watergate (source CNN TV).
His statement was directly challenged by Carl Bernstein who ought to know somewhat about Watergate.

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Good! I don’t expect it to work but at least it brings attention to the frauds that the republi-cons are.

Um, your shift key is sticking.

Yeh----------create the crisis. Form committees to contain i.e. blame. Get their voters whipped into a frenzy.

It would be a drop in the bucket for all their billionaire contributors that have pushed it.