Discussion: Senate Dems To McConnell: Don't Take Social Security Hostage

I’ve been hearing for years – years --that SS is – tah-DAH! – The 3rd Rail that Repubs would not dare – no sir, by golly gee – would not DARE touch.

Some of these dumb bastard not-yet-62 white folk who vote for Repubs had better wake up if it’s not already too late.


The House adopted a rule last week that will prevent the routine transfer of tax revenue between the retirement and disability funds, upping the chances of a crisis for the latter in late 2016.

Maybe I’m not all that bright, but do the Republicans really want this nasty burger hanging right over their heads just before an election!??

Funny how the Republicans will create a bogus crisis over social security but seem oblivious to the fiscal dangers of handing out big tax breaks to the top 5%.

The politicians really do need to examine disability to prevent fraud so that only those that deserve it get it. Instead, they won’t offer any real solutions. The Republican response is always raise the retirement age and lower benefits. Nothing else will even be considered.
Do Dems really think a strongly worded (really begging) letter will stop Mitch McConnell from joining with House Republicans to mess up Social Security?