Discussion: Senate Committee Considers Aviation Bill Omitting Trump's Goal To Privatize Air Traffic Control Operations

Sounds like the rats are taking a flying leap from all things Donnie…


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Glad they’re not privatizing ATC, but I’m keen to hear if user fees are going to be in there. $25 to file a flight plan? $10 for flight following? $5 per landing at ATC-controlled runways? No thanks.

(I made all those numbers up, BTW.)

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Oh, snap. Sucks to be rejected by your own party now, don’t it Donnie Dingbat?

No biggie. His “Efficiency in Government Week” is over. Kushner issued a report that said the government has a lot of old computing systems that don’t integrate well (a real headache for the Russians). The report could have been written any time in the last 30 years. Job done. Move on.