Discussion: Senate Bill Would Authorize Strikes In Syria After Journalist Killing By ISIS

If you’re so interested in dispensing justice over wanton horrific slaughter, how about some drone strikes on the rat sonofbitches who caused this situation: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, PNAC, and the oil industry? Wring your goddamned hands over that for a change.

You certainly don’t believe this impending escalation is about beheading, do you? Did you believe that the Iraq War was about WMDs, or was it instead about “bringing them freedom” by killing them by the hundreds of thousands?

The only air strikes that will fix this problem are on the board rooms of the oil tycoons whose corporations commandeer our military as mercenaries and don’t even pay taxes to so much as chip in on the monetary expense, let alone send their children as fodder.

…like we are.

Why that’s very Brittany Spears of you to trust a government of, by, and for the oil industry (and banks, and natural gas, and weapons, and…)! In this regard, there is no difference between Obama, Bush, or any future President. They’re about “national interest” and they’ve defined national interest in this case as oil.

We killed over a hundred thousand Iraqis to “bring them freedom.” How do you think they feel about that?

If you think this is about beheading, you must have thought the Iraq War that precipitated this situation was about taking babies from incubators.

Aha! Hence we’ll bomb Assad’s resources too! Who’s gonna know with our crackerjack embedded media more concerned about advertising dollars and invitations to the White House Holiday Party?

Netanyahu must be rubbing his hairy front paws together with joy, like a fly on a bloated carcass.

"…the U.S. is the only one that can put together a coalition to stop this group that’s intent on barbaric cruelty.”

And who will stop the barbaric cruelty of the warmongers in the US?

I would be VERY happy should Cheney et. at. decide to visit the Hague for a little R&R. They should be hauled before the dock at the WC. I did not recommend tossing bombs around willy nilly like some have at ISIS or whatever they call themselves today. I think they do present a threat to the mid-east in general Iraq/Syria in particular and to America in the longer term. They have the money, the people and the clear ability to attack us here at home so I think we should pay attention to them and negate that threat if possible.

Well, Senator, it is a little thing called, The War Powers Act’…I suggest your and your colleagues do your job!

Didn’t we already try that in the Kosovo Conflict? I seem to remember the Chinese embassy in Belgrade being “accidentally” hit by five precision-guided bombs. I don’t think anyone really bought it when we said “oops”.