Discussion: Sen. Ron Johnson: ‘The Lego Movie’ Is ‘Insidious’ Propaganda

Tiny Tim hung on way too long. Thinning the herd a bit earlier may have allowed Ebenezer Scrooge to avoid all those epiphany hallucinations and run his damned business like he wanted.


I bet chuckles will be able to build garden shed with the legos he will receive in the mail.


Wonder how he’ll react when he finally discovers that Legos come from Socialist Denmark?


The Muppets, Dr Seuss and Lego (invented in Denmark) teamed in a vast Left Wing Conspiracy to bring down the capitalist corporate system…Oh…We’re Doomed!

And, of course, a Lego Movie that is at its core promoting Legos and designed to sell more and more Legos is soooo’ anti-capitalist. Just like a bunch of socialists doing anything to make a profit! Evil commies’ worried only about the bottom line! Good thing Disney and Warner Brothers aren’t huge corporations, huh? ____ROTFLMAO

This is just the kind of hard hitting, investigative business insight you can expect from Republicans.


When did Hollywood go wrong? You never saw this in the Olden Days!

You know, before the Reds took over.


Just wait til’ Johnson catches an episode of “The Simpsons” where the quintessential “evil capitalist” boss, Mr. Montgomery Burns is featured! He’ll sh*t his pants! lmao


Right on target! Because we know Hollywood doesn’t care anything about making money or the box-office take! rotfl


Thanks Jesus that we still have prisons and workhouses.

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Yea why don’t they ever make a movie showing a government going bad and starting a war. All the movies about Nazi Germany always show the good Hitler did, never the bad.

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I learned about futures trading from Eddie Murphy, tho.


Truth = propaganda = GOP doublespeak.

Full disclosure: I really hated the Lego Movie. It’s so loud and frenetic and, frankly, just a corporate kiddy movie…a weird combination of glitzy and boring. And loud. Way too loud.

Ahh, remember ‘Celebrity Death Match’ on MTV many years ago? Some episodes are on Hulu (or they used to be). Funnier than hell. Gomert vs Johnson would make for a funny episode. Someone is gonna get their heart ripped out! My bet is on Gomert.


There was a point in the movie that I started to get bored and was looking forward to the end. Then it did a switcheroo when the kid make his appearance. Then it got really really good. By the end I was tearing up. Overall a good movie that really should have been nominated for an Oscar in animation.

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Better not let this dumbass see a James Bond movie! He’ll shit his pants!


They won’t be watching It’s a Wonderful Life next Christmas at the Johnson household.

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Side by side, I’m like you, You’re like me, we’re all working in harmony.


“Johnson, who has cultivated an image of being a successful businessman”

What a bunch of self-serving horseshit. Johnson made his money the old-fashioned way: he married the boss’s daughter.

“That year, he also married Jane, the daughter of the businessman Howard Curler, co-founder of Curwood Industries, now part of the multinational Bemis Company. In 1979, Johnson moved to Wisconsin with his wife, and both started working for PACUR, a custom sheet extruder company, with his wife’s brother, Patrick Curler, for whom the company is named. PACUR had been created, (a few months before Johnson arrived in Wisconsin), with the strong financial backing of Patrick and Jane’s father, Howard Curler. Bemis, who was helmed by Howard Curler at the time, was PACUR’s sole customer for the first couple of years of the company’s existence.”


Lord Business doesn’t even mention money. He just wants to be in charge of everything. Bring me the Sword of Exact Zero.


Someone needs to remind this dude that Everything is Awesome.