“I’m embarrassed for them…For them to address a letter to the ayatollah – the supreme leader of Iran, who they claim is our mortal enemy – and their basic argument to them is: don’t deal with our president, because you can’t trust him to follow through on an agreement… That’s close to unprecedented.”
Inside the Bubble, negotiation is for pussies. If you offer to negotiate in the Bubble, they just shoot you for being weak. When they buy cars there, they don’t deal with the salesman. They just throw some cash out the window as they drive one off the lot.
If someone in the bubble asks where people would like to meet drinks and apps after work, that’s just a trick question. The only acceptable answer is “AMERICA,” of course, always. Not knowing that makes you an Islamic terrorist alien community organizer. BUSTED. Bang bang.
Do you think, Vlad Putin–the second-best American ever-- NEGOTIATES?
First, someone must have sat Ron Johnson down and showed him the Logan Act (18 U.S.C. § 953) and explained to him what all the big words mean.
Second, someone else must have come in and showed him the polling on a potential Feingold-Johnson matchup in 2016:
Third, Johnson must have slowly come to the realization that, of all the dumb things that Ron Johnson has done in the past four years,signing a potentially illegal letter to a foreign government attempting to undercut the President’s negotiations with that country was probably the dumbest and that if he was in electoral trouble before, it’s not going to get better after.
Fourth, Johnson reluctantly admits that sending the letter to the government of Iran may not have been such a good idea after all.
I don’t have any problem with them claiming the right to review the “treaty” and take positions upon it, even if I doubt their intelligence about doing so. The letter, however, wasn’t that. It was a blatant, overt attempt thwart negotiations so they can have another war where billions will be spent and bodies will be brought home yet again.
Like Iraq, I have little doubt about how a war would turn out, and I’m certain I know who would win. On the other hand, just as Bush II had no frikking clue what would happen afterwards, nor any plan to deal with what happened, a war with Iran would simply spawn more never-ending disastrous unrest, resulting in the deaths of millions more civilians, untold damage to civilization, and huge scars on our own society and those of other countries. In short, there are 47 documented Stupid People in the Senate, and that’s almost a majority. They need to work for the American People and get over the idea that there is a Black Man in the White House who’s actually trying to keep the world safe for a whole bunch of people, many of them Americans.
it’s a deal that rises to the level of a treaty that really should be evaluated and judged by the American people through their representatives," Johnson said. “That treaty should come to Congress for an up-or-down vote.”
Oh fucking please. They can’t even pass a fucking clean debt or sex trafficking bill.
Up or down my ass.
And of course he is on the Foreign Relations committee.
That’s having a “Go effin away, or I’ll shoot” door mat.
These anti government people are a virus, thriving on infecting the body politic.
The week immediately after being part of celebrating the traitorous invitation of a foreign head of state to conduct a scolding of our President as a stunt to help that foreign head of state in his impending election.