Discussion: Sen. Lindsey Graham Wants To Know If Flynn Was 'Directed' To Talk Sanctions

“I want to know, did General Flynn do this by himself or was he directed by somebody to do it?” Graham said in an interview with CNN’s Kate Bolduan.

He’s kidding, right?


“Sen. Lindsey Graham Wants To Know If Flynn Was ‘Directed’ To Talk Sanctions.”

So do I, Lindsey, so do I.


More empty rhetoric from Miss Lindsey, do something don’t just talk about doing something.

He does; He just wants himself to be the only dictator in this world.

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I think a waterboarding will get to the bottom of this.

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No Gooper has a future in the Senate beyond their current term if they switch. Except perhaps Collins. And Snowe’s been out for 4 years.

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Graham said. “Did he say anything at all or is this just being spun by the media?”

Yeah, Graham Cracker - that’s what’s going on here. Spin by the media. Becasue trump would have asked for flynn’s resignation due solely to media reports that are just “spin” - I mean, we know trump always follows the libtard mainstream media’s lead.

The GOP: even when part of what they say is right (that this needs further investigation), a good chunk of what they say along with it is stupid/wrong/false/lies/evil/spin/bullshit/trump-ass-kissing.

Holy hell: you guys gotta check this out; Rep Nunes (iRational) makes Graham look sane:

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Of course Chiselin’ Trump knew everything that Flynn knew, because Flynn is a general and Chiselin’ Trump knows more than the generals.

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A conspiracy theorist acting alone?

Of course he didn’t act alone, and was careful to construct plausible deniability for the few higher ups who knew.

Waterboard him. He’ll spill the beans. It works.

Trump said so.


“I think Congress needs to be informed of what actually General Flynn said to the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions,” Graham said. “Did he say anything at all or is this just being spun by the media?”

I think that Graham was misquoted, because I’m pretty sure that he said, “the dishonest media.” He also has a solid point about the power of the media to spin a fake story so well that even the president cannot overcome the spin and finds himself forced to ask his national security advisor to resign.

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“Maybe General Flynn went rogue, but that’s a question I’d need to know more,” Graham added. “I think most Americans have a right to know whether or not this was a General Flynn rogue maneuver, or was he basically speaking for somebody else in the White House?”

General Mike Flynn: “You’re goddamn right I ordered the Code Red!”

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“I want to know, did General Flynn do this by himself or was he directed by somebody to do it?” Graham said

This is the obvious question. WHY AM I HEARING FIRST FROM A REPUBLICAN!!!

Nobody looks sane or insane here. OTOH, Nunes now has the stink of a traitor all over him due to his being on the Transition Team, being in contact with Flynn during that time, and being the chair of the intelligence committee - all at the same time! The taint is so strong that he needs to step aside and let someone else make the decisions that may bring his own wrong-doing to light.

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Yeah, I probably chose the wrong words. I like “traitor” better.

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There are two possibilities regarding Flynn’s motives for talking with Russian Ambassador:

  1. He was prompted to reach out by Trump via back channel
  2. He took initiative to reach out on his own.

that is the fulcrum here and it is sharp. Nice work breaking it down TPM.

The longer the administration and congress can stall Flynn’s testimony the better chance they have to create a false narrative.

This could also create a major rift between Pence and Trump. I wonder if Pence is in the know on whether Trump prompted the call?


What testimony?

Do you seriously believe that the GOP-run Congress will investigate any of this?

No matter. I just wrote all three of my Wisconsin congresscritters and asked them to keep the pressure on.

D.C. is the only place in the world where they do this unique fusion of shadow puppetry, kabuki theater and ballet en pointe moves.

It seems unlikely that Gen. Flynn did this himself. If so he was in no position to bind Trump to anything, so it doesn’t make any sense.