Discussion: Sen. Kirk Bashes Indiana Law As 'Bigotry' And 'Un-American'

it’s un-American

I thought surely he’d use "we can do better." We’re a better country than this. It’s bad for the American people. This isn’t who we are as a country

So many cliches, so little time.

P.S. Are you ready to stop watering your lawn, washing your car and yourself perhaps? Jerry’s asking for water restrictions.

Blue states tend to have a moderating effect on its R pols.

Must be an election year in Illinois. And Kirk is a master of looking reasonable and then voting with the hard core; I see him as being well to the right of the other “moderate” Republicans, with his signature on Tom Cotton’s letter to Iran, and his vote made available to the hard right whenever it actually counts – he does not buck the party line on anything important.


Your probably right about Kirk.

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Ron Johnson can never appear sane because he is not. I have seen him speak. He contradicts himself in back-to-back sentences and has no clue he proved he is wrong. Dumber than buried dirt.


Indeed I have seen. It’s what has to be done, so bear it we must.

I particularly am in awe of the legions of fuckwits screaming “build dams, NOW!!”.

Yeah. Right. To hold all of those acre-feet of nothing falling out of the sky at the moment?

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I’d go with 75% reelection and 25% principle. He isn’t Tea Party crazy, but his recent stands smell of fear of losing his seat.


I’d pay money to see Johnson do “sane”. He’ll either slip a disc or pop a vessel.


Either of which, I’d pay money to see…

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Nice Mavricky move there. Too bad it won’t help save your seat next year.

I think that would probably help him, allowing him to draw distinctions and essentially say to the voters… see I’m a moderate…

Easy way to tell: Will he denounce fellow “moderate” Jeb Bush for defending the law and announce that he’s supporting Hillary?


Sen. Kirk, again, welcome to the sane side of the room. You seem to have gained some ability to empathize with those not just like yourself since your recent disabling medical condition – that I can appreciate and am happy to see. For the good sake of Illinois–even the nation–I hope this newfound ability is both liberating for you and a sign of your heartfelt understanding of why these stands are very important here out in the field and not just for polling purposes. Thank you.

More like a desperate Republican up for re-election in blue Illinois.

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Aaron Schock would be the ideal Tea Party candidate to primary Kirk. No ethics and full of bigotry are the qualities Tea Partiers worship for their candidates.

Enlightened self interest is not a bad thing in a politician. He seems to be intelligent enough to read the mood of his electorate and not go blatantly against them. While that is not necessarily a good enough reason to vote for someone, it is a starting point. At least it puts a politician into the category of a pragmatist, and shows that he is not an true believer ideologue. Pragmatists one can deal with, even if one disagrees on many issues.

Another day, another “Kirk Says Thing in Desperate Attempt to Cling to Fluke Seat” headline.

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Sanity from Ayotte? I’ll put money on that never happening. :smile:

Kirk is an Illinois Republican. Extremists sometimes sneak through, but they don’t have a long shelf life here.

Overstating the obvious isn’t exactly bold, it is Bigotry to a tee and it is un-American in the abstract.
Really, bigotry is pretty damned American, does Kirk deny the KKK?