Discussion: Sen. Johnson: I'm Not A 'No' On O'Care Repeal, Despite Complaints

I can see by your eyes you must be lying
When you think I don’t have a clue
Baby you’re crazy
If you think that you can fool me
Because I’ve seen that movie too

Written by Bernie Taupin, Elton John

Spineless albino says what?

For me, it’s their consistency. They consistently try to make it look like they care about their constituents’ interests, when they consistently only care about themselves and their donors’ interests. They consistently complain about process, and consistently do anything they can to get their way, and vote as they are told to vote, regardless of process. They are consistently hypocritical. Their leadership is consistently evil.

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i mean really, there’s so much to love in the GOP. there’s something for everyone!

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This guy is a solid “yes” on this. It’s hard for me to believe he’d grow a backbone at this point.