Discussion: Sen. Grassley On Cruz: Ethanol Is 'Very Important' In Iowa

Discussion for article #244911

Chuck, Ted! Boys, boys! You’re BOTH very nasty!

This is probably the one issue I agree with Cruz on, though probably for different reasons. Making ethanol from corn is one of the worst mistakes the country has made environmentally. Corn production utilizes massive amounts of herbicides and pesticides and fertilizer. Making ethanol from corn uses more energy than is produced.


Nothing screams Washington Insider like a governor based a thousand miles from DC.

I’m with you. Corn for ethanol is just a government subsidized boondoggle.

Crap, I’m with Cruz too?

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Small-Gov’t conservatives, like Grassley, pretend that all of the gov’t handouts that they get are somehow ideologically different from the gov’t handouts Others get. One helps real America and the other is godless socialism. In many ways this is what the parties fight over—who gets the most handouts. Right now, the richer half gets more gov’t support, in total, than the poorer half. And the red states are the moocher states in that they get more federal monies than they contribute through taxes. People should know this but they don’t.

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Something kinda ‘funny’ about the ‘heart of American, Iowa’ fighting so hard to grow corn for ethanol while whining about farms growing healthy food for people to eat.

“I’m just going to say ethanol and wind are very important in my state,”

That’s a punchline waiting to happen.


You see, it’s the good kind of government handouts. Not like the stuff that goes to those people.


But Senator Grassley, I bet you will forget what you said and campaign for Cruz if he gets the nomination.

I’ll try: “I like to drink beer. But it makes me fart. How about you?”

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I thought we killed corn subsidies for fuel?? Those still exist???

It’s soooo nice of him to include “wind” in there. Not fooled.

“I have to look at it from an issues standpoint, not a personality standpoint. Cruz is Cruz, I’m not going to say anything about Cruz. I’m just going to say ethanol and wind are very important in my state,”

I’d say that wind is very important to Cruz, like it is to all Republican gasbags.

It also singlehandedly raised the price of edible corn when farmer’s quit growing it to cash in on the Federally mandated bonanza.

P.S. Grassley is an ghastly.

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You can actually make ethanol from the stalks and leaves and not the corn cob, using the right enzymes (Denmark has an actor in this, the company Novozymes (I have no interest in the company, apart from being Danish ) the US has Dupont ).

The Oil lobby has used your argument against bio-ethanol for a long time, but it is getting less and less valid over time.

I think Sen. Grassley needs to see a primary. The Establishment Republicans need to understand that the Federal Govt. should not be in the subsidy business, it’s unconstitutional and needs to end. Our states need to gain an understanding of the 10th amendment and start standing up to the fed’s and their overreach. Until this happens it will be business as usual and ‘We the People’ will continue to lose.