Discussion: Sen. Collins Signals GOP Wall On Obamacare and Medicare Is Cracking

Hmm… someone’s constituents are contacting the Senator. Heh. Good on 'em.

PS. Contact YOURS as well.


There is no shortage of batshit crazy Republicans in Congress, particularly in the House, but I don’t think they will have the votes to ‘privatize’ Medicare in their own caucus and I’m skeptical they have the votes to ‘repeal’ the ACA absent an actual alternative plan in place. And they will never have a plan in place because the ACA is the conservative plan.

Come 2019, all bets are off. We may well have a 60 seat GOP senate.


We may also have a torches and pitchforks moment.


Their faliure is our success


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, talk the talk Sen. Collins but let’s see you walk the walk.
Keep the pressure on her, hard.


Under Ryan’s past plans, seniors would receive a set amount of money to purchase health care on a private market.

A market WHICH DOES NOT EXIST AT THIS TIME! Which insurance companies will spring up to insure SENIORS? What if no companies decide to enter this market? What will the price be? What happens when the “Pre-existing conditions” scam goes back into effect, which it certainly will? This is another 9-11 basically, but the deaths will be spread out and the body count a LOT higher!

Seniors voted for Trump and Republicans in a big way, I really don’t care if they get the shaft. I am 15 years away from Medicare, I have some hope it will be fixed by then, and if not I trust our government will have been burned to the ground.


Just remember folks, if the repubs repeal ObamaCare and privatize Medicare, people will die. If there is a hell, repubs will be rotting there.


Ryan ran on his plan to privitize Medicare with on eye on GeorgeBbush’s social security Privitization the rubes are not THAT dumb. lol think of a way to make america great Trump and Ryan taking away the Security of our Senior Citizens doesn’t sount THAT GOOD lol the con merchants


And those vouchers would not be enough to buy a health insurance plan. The repubs are the most disgusting and immoral politicians around.


Don’t ever bet against stupid voters in America! We just elected The Village Idiot Leader of the Free World! I’m not at all certain we will survive, or that it is even worth the bother anymore.

Here in NYC everyone believes we will be attacked again soon. Everyone.


If the voters hate what the repubs are planning to do, why would they end up with a 60 seat Senate in 2019? Didn’t the Senate flip when folks thought W was going to end Social Security?


but jake, they ran on repealing AND replacing ACA. now they can trot out their replacement plans. i mean the ones that won’t get them laughed out of the joint. please proceed GOPS.


fear of trump isn’t irrational fear, just an odds assessment.


Repeal the ACA and then wait three years for a replacement!?! Stupid is as stupid does, I guess, but what makes them think that this will work with elections for Congress in two years? They will not be there in three years, having been voted out, if not burned in the village squares of America, in two years. I will probably be dead by then because of the lack of medical care, but perhaps some of you will make it through and bring back the ACA and Medicare for the future generations?


Best strategy: Pit them against each other.


Smoke and mirrors, I’ll believe it when I see it. This looks to me like veneer of reasonable “bipartisanship,” meant to screen the coming implacability.


Thanks Jill Stein-Gary Johnson voters. You just set us back decades.


That doesn’t bother them a bit


Ryan may have wanted to run on his plan, but Trump actually ran against any such notion. Nor did any other republican pol run on privatizing Medicare.

It is however, very similar to W.'s plan to privatize Social Security in that he never said one single word about in on the campaign trail in 2004. And when he brought it up as part of his agenda…it promptly died and the republicans lost the House in spectacular fashion two years later.

The problem is, Ryan doesn’t care about the politic costs, and the only thing he is offering to mitigate them to his caucus is…do it right away so you’ll have two years to pretend it never happened.

The ACA repeal is trickier, however. He’ll likely get buy in to the idea of “repealing” it and delaying the action repeal until closer to 2018, right after 2018…and force the “replace” on Dems, ie, “Either vote for this horrible bill or have nothing at all and we will blame you for having nothing at all. (Of course, we will blame you for the horrible bill, too…but those are your choices).”