Discussion: Secret Visit To DMZ Cancelled Due To Bad Weather, Trump 'Pretty Frustrated'

Why didn’t Frankenputz just hover over the DMZ and give his standard stump speech? I promise you that so much hot air would remove any fog to MSD.

Hillary’s fault. Had to be.

Yeah they had to cancel, otherwise Melania’s heels were going to get stuck in the mud.

Every president since Ronald Reagan has visited the 1953 armistice line, except for George H.W. Bush, who visited when he was vice president.

  • as Yoda said, "Do or do not, there is no try."

Yeah. Something like this:

That certainly explains the “fog” was between his ears.

We’re lucky that there are still enough civil and military service protections in place that he didn’t get to fire the helicopter pilots and flight crews.

Why did Deferment Don need to fly?
I,m sure he could have been driven there.

Another flopped photo op.
Bet it was more expensive to the taxpayer than when the vp guy did his stadium show.