Discussion: Secret Service Investigating Trump Adviser Who Said Clinton Should Be Shot

So does Trump think that he wins by default if something happens to Secretary Clinton? He would be that stupid.


This is just more proof of the deep divisions within the GOP.

One guy called for her to hanged and this one calls for her to be shot.

How is Ryan supposed to herd these cats?


Prescience is a handy skill.


Homeland Security investigates most threats to government officials who are not president. I imagine SS will be busy too, but in general, HS will get the nod to investigate a lot of cases in the upcoming years regarding vicious threats of death to government officials. It’s bound to happen, considering the state of the union, becoming an obvious, flagrant mortal threat to We The People everywhere, planet-wide.


These two pilots will be available for employment. trumpet should send his people to look into it.


I doubt any such office holder will be arrested and convicted. They have the same entitled immunity against prosecution as the police who murder innocent civilians, from my experience in watching the nation collapse under No Rule of Law.

I’m so glad you got a forthright reply from an exec at UAL As someone who worked for them for a very long time, I usually found that their answers to customers’ complaints were uselessly anodyne or if the customer didn’t have a record of flying very often it was basically “thank you for sharing.”

But about Munoz. He was picked to run United when his predecessor was fired after creating the “chairman’s” flight for Christie’s arrogant pal David Samson. Maybe “humility” was inserted into the job description when Munoz was picked. Or brought on board. Whichever you like

@stephen_maturin NYT editorializing about Ryan today about his love/hate relationship with trump, concludes with

A cynic would say Mr. Ryan has nothing to lose: Either he gets the bombastic, unpredictable Mr. Trump as the next president or he survives to seek the presidential nomination in 2020. But whatever the outcome, Mr. Ryan seems already to be what Mr. Trump typically calls a loser — a once promising politician who has lost his way.

@nova Hate speech got its license when trump began his campaign with slurs about Mexicans which followed the news of his “investigators” uncovering all sort of things about Obama’s birthplace. It’s short step from birtherism to hate speech and people like this were freed from conventional boundaries.


Concrete galoshes?

This is from Josh (Trump camp’s wink wink essay)

[I’m not sure I’ve seen a better example of the wink-wink attitude of the Trump campaign - here not just Trump’s impulsive retorts but the campaign apparatus itself - to things that used to get people totally written out of the world of legitimate political discourse. I’m working on a piece about how the biggest legacy of the Trump campaign - assuming he isn’t elected president - is the re-normalization of racism and anti-semitism in American political life. This is another part of the same story. We’ve already discussed the numerous ways Trump has embraced the stylings, policies and speech of a would-be autocrat. He’s now moving on to the kinds of banana republic politicking where the cost of political defeat is imprisonment or death or even a legitimate form of ‘activism’ in advance of the ballot.

Think that’s hyperbole? Look at that Hope Hicks quote again.]





The HorseRace-friendly MSM will have Trump’s back on all counts. It started months ago and there was never any doubt of the outcome. I should have known that the MSM ghouls who employ people like Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell had the fix on months ago…when Trump announced that John McCain’s POW status was the mark of a loser, that Trump respected people more who DIDN’T get captured.

At the time, I announced to my wife that Trump’s campaign was over. Certainly, John McCain thought so. McCain piously murmured in subsequent interviews that it was not HE, McCain, who should be apologized to by Trump but all the brave servicemen and their families yadda yadda yadda.

But there was no apology by Trump. Why?

Because the MSM fix was in. There would be no journalistic outrage. There would be no piercing questions to Trump raking him over the coals in the name of servicemen. Instead, the MSM kept rolling along, milking the Trump $2 billion cash cow.

The rest, as they say, was history


I knew he was walking into the noose when he finally caved and agreed to be Speaker. Nice to see it ratified.


I fully expect a stone wall will be magically built around poor Al. The Secret Service will have the choice to walk away or pay dearly for its building ::frowning:

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when did it become okay to say stuff like this?

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For Al, it became okay to suggest HRC’s violent demise the day he took the old Black lament “If you’re White, you’re right / if you’re Black, step back” literally :family::facepunch:

I watched Ryan last night and concluded that he was just playing the part of an emcee and letting everyone know it.

The entire theme of the convention thus far has not been to support Trump but to denigrate Clinton as McConnell and Mukasey did.

There’s really nothing to recommend The Donald and that absence of enthusiasm is becoming daily the grand theme here, seeping into the consciousness of the attendees and watchers.

This is a net negative so far for Trump and not likely to gt any better as it plods toward an anticlimactic end.

And his kids are creepy.


I was in a doctor’s waiting room looking at the old magazines that were there, and I came across an issue of Elle from April 2015 with Chelsea on the cover and featured in a long story. We watched her grow up from a gangly kid with braces into a lovely, smart, caring woman, like mom. So, like their dad, trump’s kids are creepy. Acorns, oak trees, you know the rest.

@tena I would have loved to send the entire editorial because it’s worth the few minutes it takes to read it, but simply cannot get links to NY Times stories to post here, and that’s only recently. They’re invisible with this long blank space representing where the story with or without images would have been. I don’t understand it.


His hat says US Marine Corp. This is not what I think of when I hear the term United States Marine Corp. I think Honor.


I felt the same way about Amy Carter, too.

Does that make me old?

Let me add for the record that the Bush daughters were also lovely to watch growing up with whatever issues they had to face.
Off limits, as far as I was concerned, but the Trump spawn have injected themselves deeply into this and are fair game. Damien and Usay both.


The campaign said it was unaware of Edwards’ beliefs.


"That Trump Veterans Advisor and New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro would today issue a second call (see 22:22 in broadcast) for the execution of presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is hardly a surprise given that he had already called for her execution on Tuesday.

What’s surprising is the venue on which Baldasaro made his second call for Clinton to be executed by a firing squad, for alleged treason: a white nationalist radio show that is currently broadcasting from inside the Republican National Convention.

This Wednesday, Broadcasting live from inside the RNC in Cleveland, for the third day running has been Liberty Roundtable radio, a nationally syndicated far-right radio show that goes out via the Liberty Radio News Network.

One of the frequent guests and co-hosts on the Liberty Roundtable, who appeared Tuesday on the show as it was broadcast live from inside the RNC, has been Political Cesspool radio show host James Edwards, whose radio show is one of three shows broadcast on the Liberty Radio News Network.

In a November 2015 post at the Liberty Roundtable website, Edwards described a vast conspiracy involving Jews that had “the stated and apparent agenda to reduce not only the influence of White Christians, but also the numbers of White Christians — via our genocide.”

To repeat:


And, incredibly, neither the mainstream media or the Democratic Party seem to be aware of the fact.


I’m as old in that case. Actually I still think about Gerald Ford’s free-spirited daughter, Susan, and the good time she had in the WH.

@stephen_maturin Yes, the bush daughters turned out very well after all.

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Concrete galoshes?

I see what you did there, lad (or lass).