Discussion: Secret Chapter Of 9/11 Inquiry Released After 13-Year Wait

“…to avoid upsetting the House of Saud, a close Bush family ally”



I skimmed through the document. The redactions are quite interesting in what they imply about what has not been released. But from the overall document, yeah, the Saudis definitely paid for it all and coordinated the attackers and the attack itself.

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As part of the original 9-11 report you know it’s got to be believable.

“The Saudis” is too broad. The House of Saud covers something like 40,000 people and even at the top there’s palace intrigue.

The question become to WHICH high level members of the House of Saud were these mass murderers connected?

That’s what I would think is now going to be considered, organize, laid out and discussed over the next short period. But with just one read-thru of these 28 pp, it’s pretty clear there Inside Jobbers and Truthers are gonna have a lot to say on this, especially given that figures within the GW Bush admin intervened on behalf of a least a few of the hijackers when it looked like the feds might have them interned or deported. Does. Not. Look. Good. for Dubya and Bandar in particular.

Check out Drudge’s page: he’s paddling liike hell trying to drown this release.