Discussion: Second Poll Finds Ben Carson Trouncing Donald Trump In Iowa

Discussion for article #242099

Aww shucks, Donald. Don’t you think its time to insult someone and get those poll numbers rising again? That always does the trick.

How about those silly Iowa corndogs? Have you tried that one yet?

He’s getting that twitter machine warmed up…I can sense its coming.
Get ready folks…The Donald’s about to fart out a new one…and its gonna be a doozy.


This is so bizarre. Of all of the clown car participants, by any metric Dr. Carson is the least qualified to be president. How could he be leading in any poll of any major party? I understand the Tea Party sending ideological bomb throwers to the House on the rationale that it really doesn’t matter, but this thinking apply to the presidency as well?


My theory is that Dr. Carson makes a lot white people feel safe in being able to hold onto their racist beliefs, and Iowa has a lot of old white people.


“This means war !”

Edit: And JEB! and Rand on a shared fifth place… JEB! must have a masochistic streak…


Faux: Iowa Conservatives have finally progressed to love Kenyans. Only shows Racists can be open minded.

This is good news on two fronts. 1) Trump is not leading and in fact losing in both percent and position. If we are to take him at his word this means he has to be considering dropping out. (If memory serves he said awhile back that if he was not the leader he would drop out). 2) the winner of the iowa caucus rarely gets the nomination.

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As a Iowan I find you comment unwarranted and repulsive

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I can’t believe the deeply religious and Evangelical voters of Iowa aren’t attracted to Trump in larger numbers. Donald is so devout:

“When we go in church and I drink the little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and I eat the little cracker — I guess that’s a form of asking forgiveness,” Mr. Trump said.

Agreed, It did sound like that. I modified to show the intent as being the conservatives (which was earlier implied). Sorry if its offensive.

This is interesting, insofar as Iowa is generally irrelevant in determining the Republican nomination (though Presidents Santorum and Huckabee might disagree), so it would seem that Trump would still be able to take NH, SC, and NV, and parlay that into a Super Tuesday sweep… except Trump’s whole schtick is “I’m a winner”, so if he loses Iowa, does he automatically crater? Y’know, in that the whole rationale for his candidacy would have been disproved?

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Thank you

Trump says what he thinks will get him elected. If he got the nomination, he would say what he needed to move to the center. Carson is scarier as he says what he believes. His positions are often just as bad or worse than Trump’s. The difference is he often articulates his positions in a calm demeanor that makes it seem like he’s not a crazy know-nothing. People like Trump’s message of xenophobia, fear, and nationalism. They just like it more coming out of Carson’s mouth.

This is scary to me for a number of reasons. First, the reason experts think Trump won’t win (not that he’ll drop out, but that he wont win, big difference) is that despite his strong polling numbers, his favorability ratings aren’t high enough for the party to coalesce behind him. Carson on the other hand, has extremely high favorability ratings, and is now polling close to or higher than Trump. Second, while the Cruz camp thinks they are going to be getting all of Trumps supporters, I don’t see any reason why they won’t be choosing Carson as their second choice. And third, Carson is polling better in head to heads against every Democrat in the field.

Honestly, I think Sen. Sanders and Sec. Clinton would both mop the floor with Carson in a debate/campaign. But what does it say about America when this is the opposition that at least 40% of Americans would vote for? (I don’t care how bad he does, he’s almost sure to get that many simply by running as Republican and being Pro-Life)