Discussion: Second National Democratic Committee Confirms It Was Hacked

Ha! The charges were to Tory Burch and Nordstrom, so your steaks weren’t courtesy of me.

Simple solution…turn your fucking computers off!

Vindication! The latest TPM story, from Act Blue, says they (the place where actual money changes hands) were not hacked.

Do we know, for sure, that it wasn’t funneled to the Trump campaign !? ? —

That’s what I said.


A good news organization, like maybe the Guardian if they’re so inclined, should be able to track Comrade Rump’s Russian fairly quick. I wouldn’t hold my breath for an American company to do much.

The Ballad of Watergate 2.0, aka the Trump/Putin Alignment:
“Second verse, same as the first …”

Oh, I think the intelligence community is going to be laying (already has) at the feel of the Russian government very soon. The FBI has already said they are planning to name the culprit, perhaps as early as next week.

Not saying you are wrong, but got links on that part (they will be naming culprits)…?

I heard one of the talking heads mention it somewhere on the news today. I am sorry, I should have made a better mental note at the time, but I didn’t.

It appears that the biggest concern is that revealing who (naming Russia definitely) may involve revealing other intel sources besides just technical foresnics.

This is an interesting article on it. Former Counsel for the NSA and she says its as close to a smoking gun as we can reasonably get.

She goes on to explain how revealing other sources became an issue with regards to the North Korea hacks at Sony.

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Or more insidiously, items from the person’s private email moved to their work email.

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This is some crazy shit:

From my foreign policy role in the Senate, I want to call attention to the Republican Party’s apparently new position that the United States should not provide military assistance to Ukraine, as alluded to in its platform.

Mr. Trump speaks glowingly of President Vladimir V. Putin and underestimates the damage done by Russia in Eastern Europe. It is also worth pointing out that Paul Manafort, the Trump campaign chairman, served as a consultant for Viktor F. Yanukovich, the ousted president of Ukraine, who now lives in exile in Russia.

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Trump is a surrender monkey.

What’s even a bit more interesting…is that is the ONLY piece of the party platform that Trump showed any interest, and they fought very hard to get it put in that way, making a complete 180 on what was the original platform…which is to provide military assistance and arms to Ukraine to fight Russia aggression.

Nothing else did his campaign say a word…immigration, abortion, terrorism…nada. Even if he agrees with the party platform on those issues, surely he would want to have a say on how its actually crafted. But again…they said absolutely nothing on anything except the Ukraine.

My theory is this…the Russian oligarchs are big funders for him, and probably have been for a number of years (I would guestimate about the time every other bank but Deutsche Bank closed the door on him). And they have been finding creative ways to fund his campaign. Thinking he was being so slick with that, and what chumps all other politicians are, he figured he could fundraise/grift…the entire world!

And that is why he continues to send fund raising emails to foreign politicians.

One of my fears is, the man is so flagrantly flaunting the law on this, but it slides to the back burner because…what is unraveling with Russia is soo SOO much worse. But we, nor the FEC, should lose sight of the fact that even soliciting foreign people for money is breaking the law. And clearly, he has been doing that.

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I wonder what G. Gordon Liddy is up to these days.

I’m starting to wonder if the Russian government isn’t also playing a role in the constant barrage of anti-Clinton rhetoric we see in the social media. Has the flood of anti-Clinton Facebook posts from the Sanders supporters really all come from the Sanders campaign? After all, they didn’t really stop even after Sanders conceded and backed Clinton.

Is it possible the Russians got ahold of the email list for the Sanders campaign and are doing all they can to “keep the campaign alive?” What about the mods in r/politics on Reddit? Social media sites like Reddit have totally anonymous mods and contributors. How hard would it be for a foreign government to infiltrate such sites in an organized attempt to influence opinions if they wanted? After all, if they’re willing to hack the Democrats to steal emails and other information and use WikiLeaks, I can see them doing this as well.

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Well, Reddit tends to wallow in the gutter anyway,without any help from foreign players, so that would be a rather dubious goal for Russian Intelligence to bother with. Its kind of like a dumpster filled with oily rags and a man standing beside it smoking and throwing lit matches into it…sneaking up and blasting it with a flame thrower seems a bit too obvious since its going to catch fire anyway.

As far as possibly funding some of the BernieBros on social media…who knows? What I do think is laughable is one trial balloon I saw attempted to float last night on NewsHour, that one motive may be tha the Russians are merely trying to sow chaos in the electoral process.

Sow chaos by ignoring a 17 man republican primary?? If they wanted to sow chaos, they would have been hacking and releasing dumps on BOTH parties. No, its clearly aimed specifically at Democrats and with the republican nominee being over the top in being pro-Russian…Ocam’s Razor leads us to…they are working for Trump’s campaign. The question is just how directly.

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