Discussion: Second Court Prepared To Step In If Trump Admin Doesn't Reunite Immigrant Families

“Right now, one of my clients is sitting in a blue jumpsuit in a detention center near Port Isabel, Texas,” he said. “He was separated from his daughter on June 4. He hasn’t seen or talked to her. He doesn’t know anything about her wellbeing. The government has no justification for this, because he’s not under any criminal process.”

This is America.

May this incarnation crash and burn.


And I will wager they have no idea where the child is, nor do they care.


the government would likely work towards compliance in the meantime.

The party that proclaims in its platform that “The rule of law is the foundation of our Republic” says that it is considering complying with a court order. How noble.


So, was Jefferson Beauregard Session III just planning on separating immigrant families, and never reuniting them? Parents would be incarcerated, and the children deported without them? Or, parents deported but children retained here in chain link summer camps? Or parents and children deported separately? Did the DOJ even stop to think about the eventuality that these families would ever need to be reunited? All of the evidence suggests that they did not even obtain the basic information necessary from the parents or the children to make any reunification even possible! Thousands of families may have been permanently separated! This callous behavior could easily be prosecuted as a war crime!


Doesn’t matter. Trump will have his rubber stamp SCOTUS very shortly and will completely ignore any court orders in the meantime, laughing all the way to Faux News where Hannity will be shouting into his mic, spittle a-flyin’ “What the fuck are you gonna do about it…huh? WE CONTROL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE MILITARY SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?”

You think Trump’s worried about how the SCOTUS will rule on POTUS self-pardons NOW? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The only question remaining for me is WHEN Trump tries to use martial law, not whether. Sanctuary cities? States thwarting the prison industrial complex’s reliance on marijuana over-criminalization to lock up minorities and ilne their pockets with investments in private prisons? Which one…hmmmm…


Are you asking if the republicans are good at planning anything harder than the white house easter egg roll?
But don’t worry, I’m sure the new budget has the money to take care of this problem in it.


Maybe all those gun nuts are right. If we have to fear martial law we better hang on to our weapons and maybe get some more.

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I am amazed at the courts’ utter inability to see six inches past the end of their nose. “Where’s the residual irreparable harm”??? It’s happening right now. You’ve got three plaintiffs- add an order that they need a video conference with there kids in the next 24 hours, physical visit by the end of the week. The only reason that’s infeasible is if you actually don’t know where their kids are. So make the government Say so out loud

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