Sean appears to be learning what it’s like to get along with the press…and he likes it. Sounds like he’s trying to get a job.
Fuck this fascist mouthpiece.
So many things to regret. So little time.
The NYT piece only says he regrets the confrontation and doesn’t say exactly why. I doubt he’s really grappled with the fact that from the beginning and continually he lied outrageously about observable facts as a mouthpiece for a national government. It’s not what spokespersons do in a democracy. I wonder if Spicer even has the equipment to think about it. No indication of it so far. People who dealt with him before the Trump role said he was a nice guy. But there are plenty of nice guys who don’t get this kind of thing.
Sorry, Spicey, no do-overs.
I never saw him as “nice.” He always came across as a pugnacious little man with a huge Napoleonic chip on his shoulder.
Just saying what reporters who worked with him before said.
A National Apology Tour? Is this what one has to do to get on Dancing with the Stars?
The hell he is. Just the other day he was justifying going after the press. And after his lie about the crowd sizes, he doubled down - even when offered factual evidence. It was at THAT time he should have offered regrets but he didn’t.
I still don’t get this need by the media to whitewash all Spicer did while Press Secretary. He was nasty, confrontational and a big liar while he held the job. And he STILL defends trump and his policies. No way does he get a pass from me nor am I falling for this revisionist bullshit
I regret supporting and advocating white supremacy and bigotry
I regret my decision to fabricate hundreds of pieces of “fake news” for the guy who decries “fake news”
I regret lying my ass off every time I opened my mouth
I regret being a paid insufferable asshole for an even bigger insufferable asshole
I regret hiding in the bushes
I regret looking at irrefutable evidence of Trump’s tiny inauguration crowd and claiming it was the largest in history
All of the above were choices you made. You own 'em all.
Can we PLEASE stop giving this lying slimeball press coverage?
This is what those who lie for Trump* have to look forward too: Making the rounds eating humble-pie and acting as if they’re a circus sideshow.
- Aside from those who go to prison.
Trump: Sean is an accomplished liar. He is also responsible for my approval ratings because of his lies. I am not sure why Obama hired him.
Yeah, well I regret that Spicer didn’t pursue a career in toll-booth attendance.
Fuck you, Spicey.
Try selling ice to Eskimos.
But Hillary Clinton should go sit in a corner and accept her punishment. And under no circumstances, open her mouth.
That’s right. He should be quiet and go away.
Yeah no thanks. I’m not buying tickets to the Sean Spocer Redemption Tour.