Discussion: Sean Hannity Goes Off On GOPers: I’m ‘Sick And Tired Of All Of You’ (AUDIO)

Sean has a message for y’all:

If Hillary wins I will hold assholes like you accountable. You will be responsible for her Supreme ct selections..,, https://t.co/oaH1b92PFS

— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 5, 2016

In case he deletes it…

Up yours, Sean…and the horse you rode in on.

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When are you going to undergo that waterboarding, Sean? Or is that Obama’s fault, too? This man really is the stupidest person on a network full of them. He’s a cheap imitation of Limbaugh or O’Reilly, and he really is a stupid, stupid man. Just ignore him, we all know he’s full of crap. Boo-hoo, smarter people than you know Trump is completely toxic, and the only answer he has is “It’s Obama’s fault!” What an ass.

“It’s GO TIME!” Now we know where Jeff Bridges got a lot of his talent. Father to son…and like Leslie Nielsen (with whom Lloyd appeared in “Airplane”), they both knew enough not to take themselves seriously. A lesson which Mr. Trump could use, but will never, ever learn.


Bernie? Is that you?

Oh, you are clearly a fan of Sean Hannity :wink:

Supreme Ct ? Nice ! I like l some supreme C*'t

Careful Sean ! Only losers talk about the possibility of losing ! Mr. Trump will not be pleased !

Nothing new, here. I think a truncation of Mr. Hannity’s remarks pretty well sums him up: “I’m sick and tired…”

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As an intervention, is the malevolent ignoramus too old to finally get an education? You probably think of him as big-mouthed loutish dropout, but it’s possible also to think of the goon as a potential “returning student!” He only dropped out of 2 universities – surely there is a place for him?!

Yes that’s what his miserable whining seems to amount to!

Was he a big mouth, a know-it-all?


That’s genius.

…he plans to blame the GOP establishment if the party’s nominee loses on Election Day.

As he should, but the blame lies not that the GOP isn’t supporting Trump as much as the fact that Trump took the GOP strategy to its "logical” conclusion, pulled in the majority of the GOP voters who are racist whites, and won the GOP nomination, but this day and time those folks no longer make up a majority of American voters, thankfully!

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Had never heard that before. That is interesting.

Antonin’s legacy shows up in the strangest ways…

Just gas. It will pass…


watching the implosion of the republican party is a beautiful thing and i’m enjoying it immensely… lol

I’ve been thinking the same thing, since early this year.

Hopefully she’ll get a chance to demonstrate that. The signs so far are good…

Serious ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) He’s so angry. Why is he so angry?


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One of the reasons that I love the comments section here is that I learn new insulting nicknames for Trump. So far this week, I’ve learned Cheeto Mussolini and Trumpelthinskin. I love it! Who has more? Let’s build up a collection.

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