Discussion: SCOTUS Mostly Sides With Texas In Racial Gerrymander Case

Congratulations to 2016 Stein and Johnson voters, who ensured the radical extremist “justice” Gorsuch could pollute our jurisprudence for decades to come.


And the Janus decision will be coming soon - the final nail in the coffin of unions?

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Notice you didn’t include Thomas in that question… probably because Ginny’s tax returns are a good record of the bribes he benefits from.

Just holding their powder until after 2018.

This SC didn’t want to rule against gerrymandering while repubs are benefiting, but wanted to reserve the right to ban it if Democrats were to be able to use it to their advantage.

The rule of IOKIYAR is binding precedent.

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Isn’t this the net effect of this ruling? … why wait?

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Absolutely. I agree 100% and not just at the SC but at all levels Trumps stains on the judiciary should be removed

But since the Senate confirmed, repubs would argue Gorsuch and others are legitimate. Even more so because he was previously sitting Federal judge.

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VOTE. Vote like your legal rights depend on it. VOTE


Really depends, if dems hold the Senate. No way we are letting a seat be filled, Nor a crecess appointment.

The MSM will then have a field day denouncing Dems for withholding the president’s right to appoint SC seat.

Trump will recess appoint one anyway, he will be seated. This will be appealed and new SC will confirm IOKIYAR as precedent.

Please don’t go there.

Mitch accomplished all he wanted and more with his blocking of Obama’s Scotus pick
Sadly you are right
The Damage done is there for a long long time
Blue wave Shit
Don’t blow smoke up my ass
With Trump gone we have Pence
Nothing other than grim until 2020

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Why shouldn’t he go there?

He’s right.


Why not? We need to get this out and figure out how we can avoid this constant inability to wield the political power we should have.

The point of politics is to win, not to make one’s selfish point with a wasted vote.


Because, as has been discussed many times, it was close enough that there are many factors which caused the results of the 2016 elections.

Focus on This factor only Serves to separate the 2 sections of the democratic base, at a time where we need to be as together as possible.

Fighting the 2016 primary over and over again does not serve that purpose.

Morons who voted for Stein or Johnson are not part of the Democratic base, and have never been part of the Democratic base.

They are the self-righteous and self-satisfied far-left fringe who always say the vote on “principle” rather than for the party’s nominee—because their vote is precious and they would rather waste it than support the party.
They will never, ever vote for the Democratic candidate.

Then why do we keep blaming them for the 2016 loss?

If they were never going to vote dem anyway?

Basically, as I said it’s not helpful to the conversation.

Had the comment been…

“Thanks Comey”, “Thanks Putin” or “Thanks Obama voter that voted for Trump”

Everyone could get behind the sentiment.

ETA: I realize I fell into the trap I was trying to avoid. I prefer we, as 98% aligned individuals keep our focus to where we agree. Sorry for opening the door.

No need to feel defeatist about the Supreme Court.

Take Congress and increase the number of Justices to 11.

Problem solved.

Alito and Roberts would not be on the court, but for Ralph Nader and the phony “Green Party” conscious efforts in the 2000 election campaign to defeat Al Gore as a “message” to the Democratic Party. Nader still won’t acknowledge the fact he played ANY role in the result of that election. It was the dry run for the parallel situation in 2016, in which Jill Stein and, once again, the phony “Green Party” played their patented spoiler role in giving the election to Trump, despite his losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.
When will these fake “progressives” stop driving our nation further and further into the ditch of right-wing Republican misrule???

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Because they should have voted for the Democratic candidate, but were too pure and noble to do so.

Because they should be blamed. Because their desire for purity gave us Trump.
It was unforgivable.

Public unions will be severely harmed. All leftist purity trolls need to take a bow at their handiwork

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