Discussion: SCOTUS Allows Trump Admin To Enforce Its Transgender Troops Ban


Hey sniffit,

Impeachment takes time. The evidence is there. The time to start is now.

The longer he is in office, the more judges he appoints.

Listen to Maxine Waters:

We have the consultants and the pundits and all of them saying don’t talk about the impeachment,” Waters complained. “His supporters are going to be there for him no matter what — we know what percentage that is. So waiting for Mueller, to get permission based on his report to do this, is not something that I agree with.”

“If the [Democratic] leadership and others have decided what they want to do, that’s what they are going to do, but I have to tell you that I believe in the final analysis, they can only come to that conclusion [regarding impeachment],” she continued. “The Russians have hacked into the Democratic National Committee and they undermined our election system. They have done everything to basically undermine our democracy and this president disregards our constitution whatever his relationship is with Putin.

Addressing the federal workers who are going without pay while Trump holds them hostage in order to get funding for his wall, Waters added, “We are going to do everything we can to support you and get this government open and this president must be impeached.”

Impeachment Now

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I didn’t even try to comment on this, there is no way I can without losing it completely.



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I have no issue with trans-people being in the military…the only qualification for being in the military should be being able to do the job they are assigned to do…what else is there? since the military people pretty much all dress alike…whose to know what gender they are??? however, I don’t think the military should pay for the sex-change surgery…as being ‘trans’ doesn’t affect their ability to do their job.

I can understand that. Indeed, that could describe almost everything the Trump maladministration does.



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If we wait until the time is right, we may well find that it is too late.

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true.but JENNER won all the medals before he had the sex chnge surgery…I don’t know if the surgery changes his male hormones or what…could he have done all this if he had had the surgery way back when…how does the change affect his physical ability???

And Gorsuch and Kavanope voted FOR the ban .

Of course they did. They need to give their favors to Trump

I think that is what Speaker Pelosi is hoping for. Just run out the clock…like she did with Bush/Cheney.

We weren’t supposed to talk abut impeachment before the election, and apparently we’re not supposed to talk about it afterward either.

The House should do its job now.

Impeachment now!

We should be pushing to eventually impeach them. They are the product of an illegitimate regime.

But when abortion is banned, Speaker Pelosi will say “nothing we can do.”

Too bad we don’t have an opposition party.

Impeachment now!

Aaaw, how cute. What’s it like sitting around all day fabricating hypothetical situations to keep yourself in a state of raging butthurt based on things that haven’t happened and like will never happen?

Anyhoo, HRC was exactly the same as Trump, right?

I prefer the conviction prior to the execution.

Not sure what’s “too late” though really. For many people, myself included, there’s always going to be a feeling of “too late” about it because it didn’t happen nearly instantly upon the revelation of some things, but if the practical realities of it all mean that he serves out a term (and is hopefully stopped at that point), we have to go on living and clean up the mess regardless. We didn’t have power for 2 years. We won’t have a Senate that will convict him for the other 2. There are, in fact, real risks and dangers involved in moving ahead prior to Mueller’s report coming out, not just politically, but in terms of setting precedent that things should be done the right way or not at all. I’m 100% sympathetic to the feeling that we’ve got to get him gone ASAP and don’t want to wait until it’s “too late”, however you define it, but we need to play the long game.

It’s okay. What is it like to be a Democrat against impeaching Trump?

What should I do with my noodly appendage?

If you think Nancy Pelosi is not interesting in getting Trump, you need to come back to this planet.

What does “getting Trump” mean to you?

She hasn’t started impeachment proceedings, has she?

There is no reason to wait.

there’s always a tweet.

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