Discussion: Scott Walker Won't State A Position On Same-Sex Marriage


Trying to have it both ways, Scottie?


Isnā€™t his usual position ā€œBent over a Koch checkbook?ā€


Scott Walkerā€™s position?


(Does he slip his hand into a Mitt, or vice-versaā€¦?)

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Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Ā® seemed to bend over backward ā€¦

Give it a rest. That image has been used a few too many times.

If Walker was google bombed, it would be with the phrase ā€œbold wienershipā€

I hope this crook runs in 2016 so Hillary cn kick his ass

With this ā€œnon-positionā€ position, heā€™ll never get the chance. All GOTP WH candidates must fervently vow to turn back the clock on everything (except guns, of course) if they want a hope of getting out of the Iowa caucuses!

Is Terry Gross going to grill him on exactly what day he decided not to have an opinion?


when the cell phone in the pocket vibrates, donā€™t answer question. When it rings 1 time, tell them what you were told to say. When in doubt, attack obama. Simple requirements to be a republican gov.

By his refusal to take a position, hasnā€™t he acquiesced to marriage equality?

This is just further evidence that the fight is over.

ā€œā€¦Iā€™m just not stating one at allā€¦ā€

Typical Walker tactic. Total stealth.

Very likely, heā€™s already got a plan to muscle through legislation outlawing it.

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The place to look is at the direct mail that is already flooding the state through Koch front groups like Americans for Prosperity.

Highly coordinated with the Walker campaign (didja know we have an economic miracle here in Wisconsin? Neither did I!).

Walker usta be a weasel, until the weasels kicked him out for being too shifty and vicious.

Walker, a coward? Gee, who would have thought?

Someone in his family has threatened to come out of the closet to ruin his relationship with the Far Right so heā€™s trying to placate them by not rocking the boat till after his reelection this fall?

Democracy and elections scare Republicans. Thatā€™s what all their voter suppression measures are about. Canā€™t defend their failed conservative policies, so they resort to dirty tricks and cheating. Thereā€™s never been a brave Republican incumbent when they are facing a progressive Democrat especially in WI.


with plenty of KY and tissues

hey even weasels have some ethics