Discussion: Scott Walker: Republicans Should End The Filibuster For Trump Presidency

Because… mandate?

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We lose.
And keep losing.
For a long, long time to come.

What planet are you on?

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Don’t feel bad. I wasn’t the least bit surprised at the plunge in the futures last night, and wondered if I should flee to cash. But I correctly bet that The Street would get over the shock, and realize that this would mean less regulation of their industry. Good times, good times. The only people who will take it up the ass are the bulk of the people who voted for the Trump and the GOP Congress.


If you’re a Wall Streeter, yes. If you’re a working stiff, not so much.

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Trump is no ideologue. He is a horse’s ass but he wants to build things and the Republican congress is against any spending. He will deal. It is his nature.

I’m disabled on Medicare with a shit load medical cost. All will be good, right? /s


I think you have a point here. HO does not have a fixed ideology and it will show – especially when the Beltway GOPers (and Rudy) start trying to force his hand … even step on something near and dear to Ivanka. She’s not someone I like, but she and Chelsea Clinton are (supposedly) good friends, so maybe there’s something else to her I’m not aware of – but I do see her pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes. Like it or not.

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you are attempting to be funny here …right?

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Are these anchor Ewoks? They should go back to Endor.



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But they’re so cute! I want one.


My hope is that Medicare, like Social Security, is something that the RWNJ’s will make a lot of noise about, but are pragmatic enough to leave alone. We oldies vote, dag-nab-it. Younger working people, on the other hand, are going to get clobbered.

The youngsters, for the most part, are clueless about what medical care costs. In August I had a little medical misadventure, after years of blissfully bulletproof existence. A couple of E.R. trips, a bit of surgery, and a couple of days in the hospital. My Federal retiree coverage paid for most of it (I’m 64, so not under Medicare just yet), but the amount of money involved was an eye-opener. The cost of lying in a hospital bed, exclusive of actual medical care, came to about $500 - per HOUR. Those who cruise along without any insurance just have no idea about their exposure.


Every one of Trumps bogus claims needs to be reinforced in the public mind right now and for a year. Then when it doesn’t happen they need to make it clear how Trump voters got suckered and taken for fools. Pound it in Democrats - get a clue on how to message.

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Not at all. The elites (which, economically, I am) will benefit. The ones who will get hurt are the working class people who elected this walking turd.


"To me, I think that would really upset the electorate of the people who
not only elected Donald Trump and Mike Pence but the people who elected
Ron here and elected other members of the House and the Senate.”

Imagine how the people who twice elected Barack Obama feel about it, governor.


Great idea…right up until there is a Democrat President and Senate…this sets up a ridiculous system of making laws, and then undoing them as per the election cycle picks which group…stupid idea actually.

In order to deal, you must have a willing partner. Trump will not have that; he will have a Republican Congress.

That’s why I’m hoping for some entertainment value. Trump thinks he’s in charge. The Republicans on the Hill think they’re in charge. Hilarity ensues.


I’m pretty sure he’s just going to put Mike Pence in charge of all of it. That’s policy, and policy is boring. Trump will make America great again. Pence can handle the legislation.

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