Discussion: Scott Walker May Be Getting The Tough Reelection Race He Predicted

[quote=“mike_in_houston, post:13, topic:75346”]
Cruz just challenged Beto to five debates – he must be running scared.
[/quote]Cruz plans on crushing him with his superior intellect and debating skills (he was a master debater, you know).

And, if that doesn’t work, there’s always his charming personality.

I sincerely hope you folks down there can get rid of this asshole.


In other good news from Wisconsin, a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group on April 12 shows Randy “Ironstache” Bryce is poised to win Wisconsin’s First Congressional District, the district (mis)represented by Paul “Eddie” rAyn since 1998.

No word yet on whether Paulie the Pussy will take up Ironstache’s offer put his legendary Spine of Steel™ to work as an ironworker.


I read not long ago that Milwaukee was ranked the worst or near the bottom of cities for African American progress. Gutting public school funding with a sketchy voucher program and making it harder to get to decent job opportunities in the suburbs by not improving transit do little to improve the Gini coefficient thus ensuring prosperity.


I recently made the mistake of messaging the Republican National Congressional Campaign Committee to tell them that their email fundraising pitch had so many dubious statements in it, although barely legal if you applied your mind to it, that you’d swear it was translated from the Russian. They trolled me with a message back, and a long handwritten letter, after which I blocked them on Facebook. Then some other Republican group called me, trying to fund-raise against Tammy Baldwin, who is of course a democratic incumbent Wisconsin senator. I asked them who she was, because I couldn’t quite place the name, living in Minneapolis and all and not being as up on things as your average politico. After some confusing back-and-forth, they hung up on me mid-sentence. Then somebody called back the next evening, during my Judy Woodruff hour, and I screamed at them, dropped the phone and let them go low volume on the phone with their script while I went high volume with Judy.

Things are getting desperate over in the land of Cheese.


Folks with extra cash on hand might consider sending a contribution to Tony Evers’ campaign.


I can only hope that my first vote for Governor in Wisconsin will result in a blue Governorship.

I have the absentee ballot for the primary at home, which I will complete next weekend and get in to the mail. I have seen Evers’ name on the ballot and there is someone else who would be good too, but his name escapes me at the moment.

Walker is moose meat.


Quite honestly, I’m not so sure. The Koch brothers have both feet transplanted into Wisconsin. They have been creating various organizations to combat democratic politicians starting from local levels for at least a decade.
Let’s see if the third is the charm!

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Well, maybe Paul LePage, if he wasn’t term-limited.


Maybe nobody deserves a loss more than Walker but there’s a whole bunch in a tie.


25 years ago when I was in school there was a massive bussing program that brought black kids into the whiter school districts.

They still doing that? I assume they killed it a long time ago, but obviously I don’t know for sure.

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These people don’t just need to be defeated at the ballot box; they need to be humiliated, paraded around with their pants around their ankles while being forced to suck their thumbs.


Why not badger meat?


Friday night debates in Texas. As if they would draw more than high school football.


Walker’s still got the same disease that dozens of repugnican office-holders have: prez fever


Imagine the impact of electing someone who is knowledgable about and actually cares about Public Education as governor of an important state like Wisconsin.

It’s hard to overstate the potential impact of an election like this on reversing the pendulum of the decades-long starvation of the US Public Education system.


Plus, it would take Beto off the campaign trail for some time each week; Beto seems to have a natural connection to prospective voters in this year’s political climate and maybe the Cuban Cannuck (apologies to our fine neighbors to the north) is taking notice of Beto’s personal appeal.


Because I like moose better - think moose and squirrel.

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I disagree. Here in Illinois, Bruce Rauner fits that category.



“[Walker]’s been elected by relatively small margins when the wind was blowing at his back and now the wind appears to be blowing in his face,” the DGA’s Leopold told TPM.

Let’s all hope it’s flatulence.