Discussion: Scott Recuses Himself From Certifying Florida Recount Results

beat me to it.

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Just being pedantic here, but only $1.7 billion in fines for fraud.

It didn’t take him long (to do the right thing).

bad B

Was supposed to be Million. Didn’t know it was $1.7b

But, ya know, "Billion Here, Billion there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.’


Soon a mysterious Mr. Ttocs shows up demanding the recount be stopped

Sheeeeeit. Senator Orrin Fucking Hatch. Res Ipsa.


“A federal judge in Tallahassee is expected to decide Wednesday afternoon on Nelson’s request that thousands of … ballots rejected over apparent signature mismatches be counted.”

Once again repugs swear there is huge voter fraud going on.

It is past time for someone/organization to thoroughly investigate all these allegations: interview the voter whose signature is on the ballot. “Did you sign that ballot?” It would be that easy.


Does his announcement come with an actual wink, wink, or it is just implied?

Beg to differ. If you’re on the take, like Scott, it potentially pays way more than $174K.


But Scott says Nelson is confused…

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Oh I know that
He will get his return on investment from his pals who he will push legislation for and he will pass legislation that improves his bottom line


If they really thought that someone other than the voter had signed the ballot, they’d be calling the police to go ask that question. It’s purely about making voters jump through hoops and about being able to reject ballots semi-arbitrarily.


I wonder if, instead, he’s afraid he would have to certify Nelson as the winner.

Seriously, How was this bloodsucking tick ever allowed to be anywhere near the levers of Govt?
So, if I’m the head of a Corporation that commits 6 Billion in defrauding the Government, How the F#%K am I allowed to walk the streets, much less hold public office?
Oh I forgot …IOKIYAR.