Discussion: Scott Brown: 'I Hope' Elizabeth Warren Runs In 2016 (VIDEO)

He wants Warren out so he can move out of his closet in New Hampshire and run for Senate again in Massachusetts.

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Oh yeah, economic populism NEVER goes over well in general elections, except, you know, every fucking general election.

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Who cares what the male model has to say… this guy would have a tough time being elected for Dog Catcher!

Scott who?

Scott Brown ought to run for POTUS and lose that race too. He would then be a biggest loser compared to being a big loser.

He’s already looking for a house to buy in Illinois so he can primary Kirk. Not too many election cycles away and he will be living on the left coast.

If the ex-Senator still deserves the title of senator, then surely a more rational media outlet can refer to him by his other former title: Pinup Boy.

So sayeth the former nude Cosmopolitan model…

So Scott and Mitt Romney share the same illogical thought - “Just because I lost my election twice doesn’t mean I won’t win by a landslide the third time.”


Brown wants Warren to run so he can go back to Massachusetts and lose another Senatorial race.

He wants back in to the league of extraordinary useless gentleman’s club. So he can lose to another woman, again.

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Scott Brown is almost as smart as Sarah Palin. He should run for Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio’s Senate seats in case they resign to run for President.

Another crack about her “background” Scotty you HO!
You tried that crap and it didn’t work ReTHUG loser

Scott Brown hopes she runs so he can run for her seat. I have a clue for him, the only way Scott Brown wins election in Massachusetts is if Martha Coakley runs instead of any other Democrat. She is the only reason he won the first time and the only Democrat who can, through sheer force of arrogant self entitlement, run such a God awful campaign that even Scott Brown has a chance.