Discussion: Schumer: New CBO Score Proves GOP Repeal-And-Delay Plan Is 'Horrible Idea'

I wish he wouldn’t refer to the GOP plan as a “horrible idea,” but “exactly what they intend.”


It’s both! A horrible idea and exactly what they intended.


I really, really hope that Mitch holds his Repeal Now vote soon so that every single one of these pig fuckers is on record as a “oh, hellz yeah!” vote.

It’s time for Tom Perez and Keith Ellison to get Dems on every talk show this Sunday and every weeknight for the next few weeks. We can’t just cede this issue and push out Schiff, Warner, etc. to talk about Russia every night. (even though they’re both great!)

The time for solid messaging is NOW!


Trump/GOP: But it’s just an ESTIMATE. Which is a FAKE number. From “experts.” Repeal now, and never replace!

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OT, but since we’re talking about numbers…

Are Americans wising up to the GOP’s games?


Repeal and [fill in the blank] is more than ‘horrible,’ Senator. There is no disagreement in peer-review studies. Cutting off health insurance is LETHAL.

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I understand the sentiment, but I think the polls are pretty clear: the best play right now is to be the adults int he room and hand the GOP/Teatrolls as much rope as they could ever possible want.



“We might as well call the Republican Party - Murder Inc.”

Probably not adult enuf huh?


LOL…well, maybe the leadership can play adult and let some of the others have some fun hahaha


Repeal and Run. I like it.


I’d like to see some Democratic spokesperson offer a few ideas on how to solve the purported “problems” of the ACA, like rising premiums (which always happened before the ACA) and only one or perhaps no providers in certain areas. Put the onus on the Republicans. Point out that most areas with these problems are areas where the Republican state government refused expansion of benefits. Or actively increased instability, as Trump is crowing about doing, leading to increased rates and little or no competition. Instead, they seem to just point to the Republicans as having really, really bad ideas, without pointing out what their “bi-partisanship” good ideas are.


It proves some are horrible people.

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Come on Chuckie Monday…say the words: Single payer healthcare medicare for all! Say it Chuckie or will your Wall Street buddies and the giant insurance company scams get upset?

Chuckie…almost as bad as McConnell, Ryan, Pence, and Trump…almost.

American carnage…both parties working for the Oligarchy!

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I wanna say they aren"t necessarily bad people, just clueless and in over their heads.

But truly I think I am being a polyanna. More soberly, how many of them will end up with jail sentences?!

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I consider it very grown up to recognize the Republican Party for what it has become. So plenty adult enough for me!


everything from the GOP is a horrible idea

McConnell doesn’t appear to care about how horrible his actions look. He seems to want to go scorched earth on his own party. Why he’s doing this is a mystery to me.

I’m sure the Repubs will just say that the 32 million would just chose not to have insurance.


If there ever was a mob of slimeballs that deserved a ROPE…