Discussion: Schumer And Pelosi: Trump’s Insults Show He’s More Loyal To Putin Than NATO

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This is good, but take it up a notch: tRump’s tantrums show he’s more loyal to Putin than the US.


As the leaders of our party, I’m sure Chuck and Nancy were well aware of the Justice Department’s zero tolerance policy. Why did they keep quiet about this until near the middle of June when it went into effect in the First week in April?

Had this become public sooner, maybe less children would be in cages now.


That’s exactly what I was going to say. Getting there, but still too milquetoast. Give him both barrels. Question his patriotism, mock him hugging the flag.

Most Americans won’t really care if he’s dissing NATO. But question his obvious lack of care for the US, continually, brutally, (with examples! plenty there) and you’ll start to peel more bark off this MF’er. And tie all of the GOP to him, all of the GOP inaction and coddling of this obvious monster. I’m not a big fan of appealing to the lowest common denominator with simplistic ads, but these are not normal times, and we need votes. From angry voters.


Not enough threads open for you to discuss this ? ? …

oh well … you got yer jab in —

Now let’s get back on topic … or would that involve posting something positive ? ? …


Dems need to start a ‘vote straight Democratic’ campaign yesterday. Just a simple call to vote straight-party Dem as a check on the GOP. Come up with some catchy slogan and hammer it. A call to arms to save our country. Every poll shows that voters think we’re on the wrong path, you’ve got a willing audience. Keep it simple, hammer it home. Vote Straight Democratic Party For Every Office. Your future depends on it.


I must admit, I think this is misguided and likely to end up in a primitive exchange of slurs and accusations.

I think, they should try do decouple Donald from all this and remind people about the goodwill and investments the USA has done (at great sacrifice) over many years around the world, getting flushed in the toilet, because of il-informed and intemperate decisions by the current occupant of the White house. When Donald is short term, talk about the long term (past and future).

“The president needs to remember that, as Commander-in-Chief, his duty is to protect the American people from foreign threats, not to sell out our democracy to Putin.”

Except that we don’t have a democracy to sell-out.

You could … at least … change tempo once in a while -----


Only the Russians benefit from a weakened NATO. Picking a fight with NATO threatens the survival of the Ukraine and several Balkin nations. Since the Republicans haven’t indicated any interest in reducing defense spending, I don’t get the need for the Europeans to increase their defense spending, but if we did take the issue of reducing our spending seriously we should be.

Yelling at our allies isn’t a very smart but Trump has never been very smart.


During a breakfast with other NATO leaders on Wednesday morning, Trump blasted Germany for a pipeline project it has formed with Russia, claiming the partnership makes Germany “totally controlled” and “captive to Russia.”

Projection, pure and simple. A weak-minded attempt to distract from his own complicity. It’s not going to work, Donald; you can fool some of the people some of the time…


Odd isn’t it that being on topic only comes up when certain people bring up certain realities that are unpopular because they may pierce a bubble or two? Chuck and Nancy are the topic here.

Yes and he is also more loyal to Russia than this country…


The Trumpers love Putin too. They have no fear of selling out to Russia. They would love to be a vassal state with Putin as their Overlord. I don’t know how that happened, but that’s where they are.


This is more like it: direct language in critique; when Benedict Donald suborns his office, say it, when he violates his oath, say it, when he lies, say it, just say it.

Strategically leadership should not be attack dogs (yet) – there are many willing and able to do that and they bloody well should (civic and civility are not synonyms) – but it is time, nay long past time, to loosen the leash.


Yes it does and that’s why we should all vote for the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party. You can keep you Chuck & Nancy Show.

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The GOP know how to be a minority party. Current Dem leadership, not so much.

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I wish it were possible to stage mass teach-ins, as people did during Vietnam, on how and why the US have an economic, political and military infrastructure with like-minded nations. We could add a coda on the world l9l8-1945 to demonstrate the danger of going it alone, “America first.” There really isn’t a lot of awareness out there of why what 45 is doing is so detrimental to the country.

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and the message they are putting out regarding our position on NATO and Russia …

NOT about the other issues …

but … a thread came out with the words Pelosi … and Schumer in it …

so … may as well bring up your list of Democratic Party failings and take a few more swings ----

Good for you …


In the general, vote for whatever Dem is on the ballot. No purity tests.