Remember that time when CNN had a townhall for a random non-billionaire who said the exact same dumb things as Schultz? Or for a random non-billionaire who is far smarter than Schultz and has a better resume than “Sold Burnt Coffee”? Me neither.
Schultz has no following beyond the tiny group of people who already agree with him. He hasn’t said anything that wasn’t said a million times since the 90’s. The fact that we’re talking about him at all just shows how badly the media has ruined politics. It’s all about celebrities attacking celebrities. The only time I hear about a liberal in the news is when they’re attacking or being attacked.
Progressives act like we need bold politicians to insult Republicans, but those are the ones the media loves best. What we need is a better media that talks about policies, not personalities. All they want is for everyone to run for president and sling mud at each other, so they can act like Jerry Springer and complain about all the mudfights they keep showing us.
Schultz’s only constituency is MSM talking heads and show producers, that is it. What was his polling ratio (unfavorable to favorable) after that rapturous media send-off wasn’t it something like 8-1 unfavorable?
There are a whole variety of kinds of color blindness. Some people are completely colorblind. Others (including yours truly) have red-green colorblindness. And you can generally tell someone’s race in monochrome images.
So this is a way of saying, “I don’t see race but I sure as hell care about it.” We’ve established that this guy ain’t no social liberal. I don’t think he goes so far as most white nationalists, but does believe in the Ayn Rand world view that all that matters is individuals. So he does nothing about cops hassling his customers. If one of my employees pulled shit like that on a customer, I’d can him, and I’d can his manager, and I’d take action higher up the chain. Senior management gets the big bucks because they are expected to take care of this shit.
In summary, Mr. Schultz, please take your overpriced coffee and go. And fuck you and the full-size luxury SUV you rode in on.
The reply to this ridiculous assertion is: if you don’t see color then how come you treat me like you do? How come my sons are in jail? How come the police murder my kids and you try to keep me from voting?
Yeah really, maybe you don’t, but it’s your not acknowledging that a majority do and it’s killing blacks and keeping them down. That’s the issue.
Tiffany Cross silences Trump backer who insists his supporters aren’t racist
“Although I did, as a kid, see a few people outside of my segregated public housing unit that were about the shade of a soy milk dark roast cinnamon latte.”
Oh, and BTW: Dearest CNN, I also have not announced yet whether I am going to run for Prez, and I have an even lower approval rating than Howard Schultz’s 5%, so can I also have a televised Town Hall? And can you pay me for it? After all, I am poor and I can’t afford to use Guttenberg Bibles to wipe my ass with like Howard Schultz does.
There is no evidence that Howard Schultz is a right winger. But he is a novice in many ways in public-political communication. You’d think for a highly public CEO he would not be, but here we are.
So instead of making him out to be a bad person, we can all agree he is a lousy communicator and a bad politician (not good qualities if you are applying to be the most important political communicator in the country.) He should know that this kind of boastfulness is counterproductive precisely with the audience he is trying to impress.
“And I am sure those brave non-colored police officers don’t notice skin color when they shoot those non-colored kids in the back while they are walking down the street with non-flavored cans of iced tea and non-fruit flavored bags of Skittles.”
Schultz’s boast is stupid and clearly underscores his own blindness, but he’s not responsible for the disproportionate incarceration, murder and vote suppression. He’s not Dick Cheney.
Except that black people can have naturally straight hair - just not many people you’re likely to see in the US. Which goes to show in part how race is an artificial construct built in a place where people were brought in from the extremes in variation of two other areas.
No, thanks. I think I’ll just keep making him out to be a bad person. He’s been a business executive dealing with the public for decades. He doesn’t get the benefit of a doubt just because he’s had his head up his own ass forever. I don’t do it for that motherfucker Trump, and I am not going to do it for someone like Howard Schultz, either.
…what appears to be the current GOP strategy: boost Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s image and hang her like an albatross around the neck of the entire Democratic Party.
That’s what we said about Ronald Reagan in the 1970s. He was very good about making outrageous proposals and then walking them back. The man could move an Overton window faster than the best building contractor in the world.
There is some evidence that ACO has the same sort of remodeling skills and is applying them to the Democratic party.