Discussion: Schiff To Push For Subpoenaing Mueller To Testify If He Won't Do So Voluntarily

You know, Mueller might just appreciate receiving a “friendly” subpoena.

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I might have been a little too poetic in my post :laughing:

You are among the last people I would apply “belief in Trump” to…


IMO people want to enjoy the summer and put politics out of their minds. They don’t want to be inside watching political antics. I say let the evidence accumulate, drip drip drip. The political season will re-open following Labour Day and there will be a shedload of stuff to unload on Dotard. Put it all on tv but not before people are ready to watch. Its all about the ratings, right Donnie?


Schiff should not subpeona Mueller to testify, he should ask Mueller to talk behind closed doors --with an understanding that transcripts dealing with non-classified materials would be released publicly. Its the intelligence committee, so “behind closed doors” is an okay ask for that committee.

As for other committees, Nadler should try to make a deal with Mueller to testify publicly – but agree that he will be questioned only by House counsel, and not have to endure badgering by GOP congresscritters, or show=boating by Democrats. If Mueller says “no”, then subpoena him, but under those terms.

(IMHO, that is how an impeachment inquiry should be handled – let all the questioning be done by House counsel, to signal that this is not “partisan”. )


Makes a lot of sense. Folks who deeply follow this seem to be suggesting they’re getting tired - a legit complaint. Congress will be slowing down as summer approaches and they join the pres candidates in ramping up for next year and getting into policy folks can identify with. Trump will be trump, but that can be enough to keep folks listening while the investigative and behind the scenes building of a case by the house goes on. Building a case still needs to be done to develop impeachment and turn it into conviction. Giving folks a rest won’t give Trump a pass, but might let the country prepare. A couple of strong not about Trump but about the people debates will help differentiate and give folks some time to think. Come back as campaign gets truly serious with voters and those who are inclined to listen will be given both policies and evidence - including by Trump - where the great undecided can begin to formulate their positions.

76% of Dems, 35% of Indies, 41% of college educated whites support IMPEACH NOW per this CNN poll. 60% of Dems and 25% of GOP support impeachment or censure now per Harvard Harris. Tide is turning. Essentially Trump’s anti-impeachment support level to keep this away from a plurality or majority for IMPEACH NOW rests on non college white voters, 10% of Indies and Nancy Pelosi. It’s a weak foundation for him. Smart money would align with impeachment and making moves to take him out. If I were the business community or the big donor community, I’d line up behind Biden to make the decision and choice clearer for Trump.


I’m sure this is exactly why Mueller is so reluctant to testify publicly. He knows that fully half of his time will be spent listening to minority blather. His aversion is certainly understandable, but that should be overcome so that he can a) give Dems some answers about both the report’s content and it’s suppression by Barr et. al., and 2) put his aversion to such things aside just long enough to expose the Republican clown car for exactly what it is.

Even if it’s not referring to the leadership, the full committee has to vote on subpoenas, he can’t do it by himself.

No offense taken since it was clearly not aimed at me in particular.

The nation is on fire as it is. Brown folks locked up in deeply dangerous conditions. The risk of a major atrocity has only grown since Miller got full control of DHS policy. Trade war ripping up large sections of the economy and raising costs on everyone while damaging our alliances, trading relationships and long-term economic prosperity. War with Iran being touted. War with Venezuela is being promoted. A NK dictator runs amok with nukes and credibly bestowed by Trump. NATO at risk. UKR at risk as both Putin and Trump/Rudy hate the new UKR gov’t and keep reminding everyone he’s a Jew. Every gun incident seems to be tied to a nut inspired by Trump. The rule of law is being ripped up as Barr looks to both obstruct and tamper with witnesses and damage the investigative abilities of FBI/IC while prosecuting Trump’s enemies. We’re in a full blown crisis. Pelosi’s approach and the cavalier ‘drip, drip’ view has an air of ‘Nero fiddles while Rome burns’.

Dems have tools at their disposal right now which they appear in no rush to use. That’s a problem for the health of the Republic and for the prospects of beating Trump imho.


For God’s sake, will you people PLEASE get off your asses and do something? Mueller told you in no uncertain terms he will not testify voluntarily. Why hasn’t the subpoena already been issued? What are you waiting for? What’s going on with the Barr subpoenas? The McGahn subpoena? Etc. etc. Every day the Dems stall and drag their feet is another day “President” POS and his proto-fascist administration has to lie without any meaningful counterweight. Another day when all the voters who came out in droves expecting the Dems to do something start wondering why they should bother. Another day we slip closer to authoritarianism. Do you f’n jobs!


Mueller could just be totally honest in answering all the questions and I believe there wouldn’t have to be any formal cooperation between Pelosi and Mueller. They could act independently of one another in their respective roles and Trump would be toast. Mueller being fully open and honest is all it will take. The public has to hear all this from him though or T and B will always have Barr’s version of events cling to. I’d like to believe in the rule of law but it’s in a very precarious position now.


I hope Mueller is willing to fully explain his report to the public in public. I hope he’s, also, open about any pressure or restrictions that might have been put on him by Barr once he arrived on scene.

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It’s so sweet that you think Nunes is capable of rational thought.

She’s the captain of the team. She has a strategy for the impeachment process just as she had a strategy for the almost impossible passage of the ACA. The entire caucus must be united on the move to invoke impeachment and that will happen when they have nailed together enough real factual evidence against the dotard to make it nigh impossible for the GOP caucus to slither out of. They will spin and send their lying liars out to the malleable talking head shows as today evidenced but once the case against the dotard is set in stone that effort to lie to the American public will not work. That I believe is Madame Speaker’s plan. We are in totally unimaginable circumstances here with the presidents party controlling the Senate and to a man and woman being in fealty to the vile buffoon no matter how it affects the survival of their party. Many GOP Senators are as compromised by Russian rubles as is the dotard. Or whatever else it may be with asshats like Lyndsey Graham.

I think he’ll do all of that if he feels Dems are putting some investment of political capital. Per Natasha Bertrand’s reporting, GOP/WH is convinced that Pelosi isn’t moving off her position. They think they can ride it out if that is the case. 76% of Dems supporting impeachment might change that equation a bit, but I don’t see that moving her just quite yet.

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Opening a formal hearing tomorrow would not require that articles of impeachment be sent to the Senate ever, let alone in 2019.


Let the Dems eat the clock to their advantage for a change.


Wake me if you find out.

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I don’t mind the idea of a summer “recess”…

but it should be done within the context of an impeachment inquiry. Start it. Make it official. Then say that the inquiry will be gathering evidence for the next few months, and hearings will commence right after labor day.

But you have to make it “impeachment” first, because unless and until you do, the entire summer will be nothing but “is it impeachment yet” every time a story breaks.