Discussion: Schiff: 'There Ought To Be A Review' Of Kushner's Security Clearance

If you’ve ever been in rehab , one of the first things they tell you: Fuck You always turns around to point at you
What part of shitting on the FBI and Intelligence services didn’t they think was going to come back at them?

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How Orthodox is it to request waivers nearly every weekend so you can fly in planes, drive in cars, and otherwise go about your business on the Sabbath? Seriously – I’m asking this question because I don’t know any others who do this, but maybe it’s common practice in certain jobs. Anyone out there know and willing to share?

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Thanks for that … makes me feel hopeful.
California shows what Democratic governance looks like

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Hey Sen John McCain where is your patriotism? Where is your love of COUNTRY?

I know you have got to be concerned with this cabal administration just like millions of Americans.

We need you to talk with your party to make them understand what is going on with this Russia entanglement that we are in today!

Please come forth to educate the brainless among the GOP!

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Seriously? How do we hope Trump selects someone less treasonous to be his Boy Friday? He put Jared in place specifically because he could control his every move – “nice family ya got there, shame if your wife decided to leave you…” I’m not sure there’s anyone else (outside of Ivanka herself) over whom he holds enough sway and still trusts.

Unwittingly, yeah he is likely ‘one’ of the leakers. Since they don’t really seem to get what is or isn’t espionage or divulging national secrets, they likely have no clue about tight lips or sinking ships.

They are sort of confirmers really, they confirm the leaks by non-denial after the fact.


That degree of control is why Trump wants him and we don’t now that Jared has shown his true colors.

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Yes, and I’m not sure Wilson even understands to this day what a gift to the State his overwhelming bigotry towards Mexicans turned out being. He’s a real piece of work, that one.

I share your fondness of Henry Waxman and his style. Hadn’t thought of equating Lieu to him until you said it, but I think you’re exactly right. Lieu is pretty young, so I expect he will be raking up and turning over muck for a long time to come.


I thought that’s what I said. I guess the heat is getting to me today and I’m not being clear. I don’t see how that gives us any hope for replacement of someone better.

Edit to add: We knew Jared’s true colors when he orchestrated the Bill Clinton accusers who were supposed to confront the former President when he was seated at the debate. Just because he looks like a choir boy doesn’t mean he isn’t a chip off the old block (his dad was convicted way back when).


L :smirk:

Hmm. Republicans really don’t want to lose this one. I wonder if this helps to understand McMaster and Kelly’s statements about Kushner and Russia. No big deal. Nothing to see here.

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Yes, that’s what you said. My point is that if Jared is forced out, how could Trump pick anyone much worse? And of course Trump wants to keep him.

I agree with what you’re saying in most situations. Schiff, however, is the one person I think can continue to make demands that are unlkely to be met without too much diminishing of his status. He never shoots from the hip, is never outlandish. His demeanor is statesmanlike, his words are thoughtful and measured, he exhibits confidence and self-control and demands respect. I trust he will continue to speak out and call the nation’s attention to what should be done, even if no action follows.


Time for another sternly written letter. Maybe use ALL CAPS!

As is Newt Gingrich… ugh

I truly mean it.

At this point even the nastiest bottom feeder ever to have governed New Jersey wouldn’t go anywhere near the industrial strength cluster f*ck melting down before our eyes.

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I have no doubt as to YOUR feelings

It would be a huge mistake to think that this is just about Russia.

These comrades in arms are looking to remake the world in their liking and to their mutual benefit.

Kushner is a high grade foot soldier that just happens to be family which ups him to at least Capo status just because.

These blatant attempts at setting it all up must be nipped in the bud and never allowed to blossom, lest we all wind up living in the TrumPootie Towers Totally International.


There’s a completely innocent explanation why Supreme Commander Cuck Kushner wanted a covert Russian FSB-owned communication line. He’s is a Russian politician’s dick holster and wanted to have phone sex with pee hookers in anticipation of a future presidential run. Obviously, Cuck did not want Preshitident Trump or First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump to find out.

I am certain that the Supreme Commander Cuck will welcome the review of the security clearance. He will retain the security clearance tests with flying colors because he did not commit treason, compromise national security, sell classified information or enrich himself.