Discussion: Schiff: 'There Ought To Be A Review' Of Kushner's Security Clearance

Saw that Trump is mulling sending Jared on a leave of absence. Sending him away will not make the investigation go away, just as firing Comey didn’t. And then there is the matter that Jared is his “point man” on so many topics, and if reports that Trump is suffering from some form of dimentia are true, Trump will soon be making even more unforced errors and I expect there will be even more idiocy from this administration. Trump is not that smart and every day shows that even more.

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Yes. “Climate change” is a Bush term, expressly designed to be less alarming to the public. It’s global warming.

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Trump is mulling sending Jared on a leave of absence. Sending him away


I think of this pair as the Cushys, and they may be leaving Washington.

Not surprising and perhaps will coincide with Melania’s arrival? If Ivanka leaves, Trump’s total melt down might be sooner rather than later.

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So their plan is to insure the money they’ve reaped from setting up the Russian/Trump connection and then sneak off and enjoy the fruits of their sneaky, criminal labor? Get the payoff and then adios?

I so hope these grifters are busted and sent to jail. They are disgusting frauds. Now excuse me while I go barf.


As we saw with the Merrick appointment, the Senate has no duty to act. Similarly, the House has routinely neglected the business of the country without any apparent cost. Thus, Schiff’s call for a review is largely aspirational.

If you are in the Trump mob, this is great news. Four months in, we still know nothing about Trump’s finances, his financial networks and business associates, or even a valid appraisal of his physical and mental health. Entire ministries such as the State Department have become dysfunctional, yet nary a peep. The US renewable sector now employs 500,000 people and is growing at about 15% a year, yet the coal industry, with 70,000 employees has become the national priority.

Like Rome, maybe we are seeing an end to the Republic and the emergence of an Imperial America with lots of gold leaf, golf courses, and endless wars. Certainly Congress acts that way.


Adam and Eve Schiff would make a good first couple.


Unfortunately, you are spot on.


Normalized indeed. We’ll be seeing bills before Congress to reduce treason & espionage to misdemeanors.

They’re pushing the bar as we speak. Just listen to Graham, Kelly, some columnists.

I can see Schiff as POTUS with no strain at all.

Robert Mueller, I hope you succeed in ferreting out and prosecuting every one of these treasonous bastards! Once Mueller provides damning evidence to the House and Senate, if there is no impeachment and conviction, then either subsequent elections will demonstrate the effective death of the Republican party, or the completion of the corruption of our government.


I described the story with Kushner to my wife, who doesn’t follow the minutiae day to day. I asked “what does that sound like to you?”

One word answer: “espionage”

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End of the day, are the generals going to let him go nuclear without there being an attack. As tRump continues to unwind I see the government and at some point even the military itself slow walking anything to do with this administration.

Trump incompetence may not pay off in linear fashion for the Russians. By slicing it off with the Germans, Putin gets to spend more time with his nemisis Angela Merkel, a product of the East German school system. This is a minus from Russia’s standpoint.

Merkel knows Russian and Russian culture well, and even won a scholarship to Moscow when she was 17. She understands post-Communist kleptocracy. None of Putin’s tricks impress her. An odd result is that countries have managed to reach some sort of agreement in the economic sphere. We sometimes forget that while the EU has very modest military capabilities, it has prodigous economic power. Russia is sort of the reverse. Trump’s mistake in alienating Germany could have large repercussions for Russia.

What I’ve read has been equivocal. There’s a famous incident of an Air Force officer who asked, in all sincerity, how you know the launch order comes from a sane President. They threw him out of the service. OTOH I’ve read the people around Nixon at the height of the Watergate crisis quietly put out the word that blatantly crazy orders should be circumvented. Long story short, the system wasn’t designed for the situation we’re in.


Well, maybe someone should hide the nuclear codes in the paper the Pope gave him on climate change. They will never get touched.

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I have only visited California twice in my lifetime, but my recollection is that Prop 87 came after about a decade and a half of the California GOP’s highly successful reliance on ballot propositions that were red meat on election day to the Orange County and other California Reagan Republicans. Howard Jarvis and his ballot proposition gimmick

I guess it just shows that, like everything else in politics, their strategy became cliche and they failed to understand the changing attitudes in the majority of the California population not rabidly on board. The Prop 87 folks are still there. I believe they have two right wing anti immigrant talk radio jocks who are actually from New Jersey, but who found their critical mass audience (and advertisers) in California.

On both of my visits (in the 80s and early 90s) I noticed a Conservatism that gave great priority to preservation of California’s environment and natural resources. I suppose that strain of Conservatism has given way to the low brow global warming deniers.

I also read a book about California called City of Quartz, by Mike Davis, in the early 90s which probably still influences my perceptions of the politics.

He used that paper to leave a message at the Wailing Wall

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Four tweets this morning about Memorial Day from Trump. One more will equal the number of his Vietnam bone spur deferments…

Seated front and center at the Situation Room table were four current or retired generals who dominate just about every big national security decision Trump makes…Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser; Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and two retired four-star generals, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly. --WP

Generals and a coward, not a good mix.

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