Discussion: Schiff: 'There Ought To Be A Review' Of Kushner's Security Clearance

As is Newt Gingrich… ugh

I truly mean it.

At this point even the nastiest bottom feeder ever to have governed New Jersey wouldn’t go anywhere near the industrial strength cluster f*ck melting down before our eyes.

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I have no doubt as to YOUR feelings

It would be a huge mistake to think that this is just about Russia.

These comrades in arms are looking to remake the world in their liking and to their mutual benefit.

Kushner is a high grade foot soldier that just happens to be family which ups him to at least Capo status just because.

These blatant attempts at setting it all up must be nipped in the bud and never allowed to blossom, lest we all wind up living in the TrumPootie Towers Totally International.


There’s a completely innocent explanation why Supreme Commander Cuck Kushner wanted a covert Russian FSB-owned communication line. He’s is a Russian politician’s dick holster and wanted to have phone sex with pee hookers in anticipation of a future presidential run. Obviously, Cuck did not want Preshitident Trump or First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump to find out.

I am certain that the Supreme Commander Cuck will welcome the review of the security clearance. He will retain the security clearance tests with flying colors because he did not commit treason, compromise national security, sell classified information or enrich himself.

I really am amazed to hear that people signed documents that stated one set relationships was operative, with direct intention to deceive as the relationships were really quite different! And they knew all this, and apparently placidly intended to deceive!



It’s kind of cool that Schiff is giving a public nod to the wraithing concept.


Oy, don’t make such a tsimmes about it.

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Saw that Trump is mulling sending Jared on a leave of absence. Sending him away will not make the investigation go away, just as firing Comey didn’t. And then there is the matter that Jared is his “point man” on so many topics, and if reports that Trump is suffering from some form of dimentia are true, Trump will soon be making even more unforced errors and I expect there will be even more idiocy from this administration. Trump is not that smart and every day shows that even more.

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Yes. “Climate change” is a Bush term, expressly designed to be less alarming to the public. It’s global warming.

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Trump is mulling sending Jared on a leave of absence. Sending him away


I think of this pair as the Cushys, and they may be leaving Washington.

Not surprising and perhaps will coincide with Melania’s arrival? If Ivanka leaves, Trump’s total melt down might be sooner rather than later.

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So their plan is to insure the money they’ve reaped from setting up the Russian/Trump connection and then sneak off and enjoy the fruits of their sneaky, criminal labor? Get the payoff and then adios?

I so hope these grifters are busted and sent to jail. They are disgusting frauds. Now excuse me while I go barf.


As we saw with the Merrick appointment, the Senate has no duty to act. Similarly, the House has routinely neglected the business of the country without any apparent cost. Thus, Schiff’s call for a review is largely aspirational.

If you are in the Trump mob, this is great news. Four months in, we still know nothing about Trump’s finances, his financial networks and business associates, or even a valid appraisal of his physical and mental health. Entire ministries such as the State Department have become dysfunctional, yet nary a peep. The US renewable sector now employs 500,000 people and is growing at about 15% a year, yet the coal industry, with 70,000 employees has become the national priority.

Like Rome, maybe we are seeing an end to the Republic and the emergence of an Imperial America with lots of gold leaf, golf courses, and endless wars. Certainly Congress acts that way.


Adam and Eve Schiff would make a good first couple.


Unfortunately, you are spot on.


Normalized indeed. We’ll be seeing bills before Congress to reduce treason & espionage to misdemeanors.

They’re pushing the bar as we speak. Just listen to Graham, Kelly, some columnists.

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