Discussion: Schiff Takes The Brunt Of GOP's Fury After Mueller Report

The willingness, nay, eagerness of these crooks to cooperate and benefit from the illegal efforts of a hostile foreign government are a matter that lies in plain sight, and you’re a damn liar. The quote from the otherwise suppressed actual report says they did not “establish” that conspiracy and coordination which has a specific legal meaning that I suspect you know.

Straw man. You think people here are stupid? They are not stupid. You think Schiff and Pelosi are stupid? They’re not stupid either. Looks like we’re running out of people to call stupid. Know anyone who’d like to step up?

This is feeble, my friend. Feeble. Go away and think up better lies.




We know nothing of the sort.

Trump needs to testify under oath.

It will not go well.


“Please state your name for the record”

“Bob… I mean Donald… Fuck!”


This AP Story is a good example of why our current media climate simply cannot handle this scandal. The author writes:

“Barr wrote that Mueller did not find collusion. On obstruction, the
Mueller report laid out evidence but did not make a finding implicating
Trump or exonerating him. That move effectively punted the obstruction
question to Congress, where Democrats control the House and Republicans
run the Senate.”

Barr did not write that Mueller did not find collusion. He wrote that Mueller did not “establish” the evidence to file a criminal charge of conspiracy / collusion. If we can’t make that distinction, then we descend into an “if it’s legal or can’t be proven in court, it’s okay” standard of public behavior. There are lots of impeachable offenses which historically would not be criminal charges.

Barr also wrote that on obstruction, Mueller rendered a “does not exonerate” verdict. But instead of “punting” this to Congress, Barr has himself rendered a verdict that there were no crimes. And there are no signs the GOP intends to let Congress make any judgement on or even see the report.

We need media that can handle complexity better.


We need citizens who can handle complexity better.


You mean the same people that use the AP Style guide, which insists on two spaces after a fucking period? Which has been superfluous since the invention of proportional fonts, oh, about 50 fucking years ago?

Good luck with that…

These people also give credence to arguments that Scientific “Theories” aren’t “Facts”, because there’s one definition of Theory in the dictionary which doesn’t require it to include evidence…


Is the attribution meant as a joke, or is it the result of an ignorance so Dunning-Krugerish that it doesn’t know when to hit Google?


Uh, I lived out of that guide for years and we always used single spaces and I never heard anyone say to do otherwise. Think you might have hold of some bad information there. AP is guilty of many sins but that style guide’s pretty handy and sensible as style guides go. I won’t mention the Oxford comma because that usually leads to a Hollywood-style saloon brawl, editor edition.


Ok, may be off. The government uses the AP style guide as the basis for their crap, and I had so many memos kicked back because they had never changed it.

Oxford comma, all the way. Anyone who says otherwise should be shot on sight.


The double space after a period or colon (and single space after a comma or semi-colon) are long time edicts for anyone who took a typing class or typed for a living.
Newspapers use it to make things easier to read, too.

It’s not a bad idea, and neither is the Oxford comma.


He probably got that from some cesspool like Goodreads. If they don’t know who said a thing they throw up their hands and give it to Twain or Emerson. I’ve given up arguing with people about this out of sheer despair. Twain never said that crap about set sail from the harbor. He would never have said something so treacly ever in his life. It was written by some Canadian greeting-card guy in the 70s. Don’t get me started whoops too late.


Emerson wrote that in a letter to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. about 150 years ago.

He is unlikely to have originate the sentiment, however, since similar things are in Shakespeare and other older sources.


Maybe it’ll give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a respite.


Or worse…


Ain’t that the truth. You can barely frame an idea, pithily or not, that can’t be found in references going back to Og the Pleistocenean, the silver-tongued orator of the frozen wastes that were southern Europe at the time.


Don’t you start your shit on this thread…

@mattinpa Rolf’s been torturing me over on the other thread…


Hey, you started it! :sunglasses:


I did not!


My feeling on puns is well known. And well flouted. “Amber enough to do?” Wha?

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