Discussion: Schiff: Steve Bannon 'Doesn't Belong In The White House'

And there’s the dilemma in a nutshell. Trump deserves to be impeached – but there is no one in the line of succession that is acceptable. I have zero confidence that Pence is not corrupted – and the next damned fool is Tillerson! Then Ryan… and after that Rick Perry? They are all corrupt and horrendous but there is no constitutional mechanism to deal with this situation. Our founders apparently could not imagine such widespread incompetence in the “ruling” class.


Schiff is married with kids (via wikipedia) – he might be bisexual, but that is not something he shares publically. No doubt he will be smeared by anti-semites though:

"Schiff lives in Burbank, California with his wife Eve Marion (née Sanderson)[39] and two children, Alexa and Elijah.[40]

Schiff has participated in multiple endurance challenges including triathlons and marathons. Schiff was the only Congressman to participate in the inaugural Washington, D.C. triathlon in 2010,[41] and has since participated in other races in Philadelphia, New York City and Malibu.[42] In 2014, Schiff became the first Member of Congress to participate in the AIDS/LifeCycle, a seven-day charity bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise awareness and funding to fight HIV and AIDS.[43] The tour includes up to 2,500 bicyclists and more than 500 support crew participants who cycle or crew to raise funds for HIV/AIDS services & raise awareness of HIV/AIDS."


All of what you say is terrible to contemplate. Greedy lying mediocrity replaced by christian moralizing mediocrity. I try not to take this dilemma with me to bed at night…

Adam and Eve is downplayed by the Schiffs.

@tena Alex Jones making shit up which l’arancia then elaborates on? Nevah!

For centuries straight people were the Muggles…that was the idea plus some of us are just so damn alpha and masculine.

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I had no idea one way or another and didn’t look it up and should have. Clearly that was an extra heinous attack.

He was threatening him anyway. He threatened to beat him up and said he should get a gun. All of which is a violation of a federal statute against threatening Congresspeople.

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He should go to his own private padded Biosphere.


On any given day it’s not certain what she’s going to do. I read she will run and there’s no thought of retiring, but like anything else it could change. But Schiff should seize the opportunity without causing some seismic disturbances in CA politics.


Try growing up and figuring out you were among the most horrible people ever, so horrible no one even mentions what you just simply cannot be and living in fear of even the slightest hint of name-calling. Good times…


I know it’s rough being outside the mainstream expectations of society. I’m just glad it’s changed and continues to change to the point where it’s not outside the mainstream anymore.

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Here’s my fantasy scenario: the Democrats retake the House in 2018 and Nancy Pelosi is made Speaker. The Russia investigation finds both Trump and Pence guilty, they step down and …

President Nancy Smash!


Oooo, you know, that could happen.

Damn I’d love that more than I could say.


I wasn’t thinking of removing anyone. My sole aim is to push Comrade Chaos further over the edge and into the abyss of sheer insanity. Not that he needs the help, mind you.

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Earlier I mentioned “Team Jared” when I should have said “Team Javonka”. I regret the error.

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Schiff is certainly emerging as a powerful democratic voice. He projects the calm confidence and thoughtfulness of a highly intelligent person while speaking in plain clear language. In this way, he is similar in demeanor to Obama – which is why I think people are viscerally responding to him. We need people we can trust. But he has not been out in the forefront before, so in a way he a blank slate to many and perfect for the right to smear. I’ve seen them starting to attack Schiff as overly partisan and opportunist – and now gay because he supports HIV/Aids causes. And he is jewish – start listening for the coded language.


He makes me feel comfortable, as if someone stable is talking to me. It’s rather the way Obama always made me feel.


Death by a thousand misstatements…

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You have a point, but it’s Kushner who apparently convinced Trump and I’ve no doubt he did so because he feels which way the wind is blowing. Bannon has given bad advice too many times. The useless and repeatedly challenged EOs, the PR disaster of a healthcare bill, the Wall – which has become a joke at this point (how’s about running it through the middle of the Rio Grande? Ha ha ha). Bannon’s an egotistical bumblefuck and while Kushner isn’t high on my People I Admire List (or anywhere on it), he did the smart thing here. Let’s see if other patches of sanity appear on other issues.

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Well if it makes you feel better, Responsible Me has been speculating that with pros–at least on the Oligarch/Russian side-- in on the conspiracy, a denseass prude who brings nothing to the Plan might just be intimidated or paid off to look cluelessly the other way, no fingerprints on either side. I don’t at all mind a colorless, common-clay-of-the-new-west, crippled easy-election-target Prez at least compared to the alternatives.

Meet Team Jared, high in the Alps. Some of them are in protective custody, hence the partial face masks.

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Yes – just a couple of months of Trump hysteria and chaos and we are already starving for the lack of maturity in our politics that Obama provided. Schiff is filing this role for now. In contrast – I adore Maxine Waters – but she is a firebrand. That so useful and welcome in a Congressperson – but as a president, I don’t want a mercurial personality. I want someone who will think deeply before they act or open their mouth.