Discussion: Schiff: Mueller Likely Filed Charges Against Either Flynn Or Manafort

Daddy told him he does not want to go to prison, because daddy knows all about prison.

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Please let it be Roger Stone.

Ivanka seemed happy they were taking Jared away! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I thought it was pretty well done. Took a bit of skill and thought, and probably $.


I take the view that Mueller looks at this matter as if he’s going up against a major crime syndicate. Trump’s threats of intimidation and retaliation underscore that Mueller should not view this as an ordinary white collar matter. So, I’m of the view that Mueller has probably lined up more than 1 duck. We may only know about 1 tomorrow, but I think there are a lot more that he has had submitted to the GJs for indictment. A prediction that Mueller rolls up a whole bunch of defendants over the next 2 weeks is not out of the realm of possibility once you adopt the mindset that we are going up against a crime syndicate.


You expressed my thoughts and feelings exactly. I have a very strong dislike of Stein (and by association Sanders while I do like some of his messages…he’s just now going to Canada to study the universal health care…should have done it two years ago). Anyway, lots of Stein voters are also adamant followers (religion-like) of the site The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, Snowden, Assange are their Gods. Hence, their belief that Russian collusion is a hoax (they even joked about Rachel Madddow), Snowden believes that there is nothing with Russia…However, because of Snowden revelations they are brainwashed into believing that “horrible” HRC and Obama are war criminals, a line of thinking promoted by Stein and Greenwald and to some extent Sanders via innuendos.

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Either way, Trump should be called to testify under oath.

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This is a lovely thing to read before going to bed. Much appreciated. Fingers crossed.


It has to be Manafort, he was warned to expect indictment, but IQ45
s crooked lawyer Cohen is dirty too, money laundering.
They’ve been used to being outlaws, testing our laws, the light has been shined on the roaches and they’re scampering.
Talk about clearing the swamp. He brought more sludge. Ivanka for all her Miss Prissy attitude, just looks like a bad role model.
I’m sure they wouldn’t be embarrassed none of the siblings, thinking they’re above us all

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the run down of all the other cast of criminals, there is even one about Miss Prissy Ivanka

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No offense intended, but that site looks more like porn for Democrats. I enjoyed it, but I don’t know how much I believe it…


That sounds too good to be true.


Revealed: Ukip whistleblowers raised fears about Breitbart influence on Brexit
Two internal Ukip whistleblowers filed complaints to the UK’s Electoral Commission over fears the party was making “unusual arrangements” with a pro-Trump website in the months before the 2016 EU referendum, the Guardian has learned.
The concerns included allegations that individuals who were being paid by Breitbart, a rightwing American news organisation, were working as senior unpaid Ukip volunteers, raising questions in their minds about whether their work could be construed as an indirect political donation by a foreign donor, according to sources who spoke to the Guardian on the condition of anonymity.

Manafort was essentially acting campaign manager for much of that 5 months, once Lewandowski came under fire for the assault charges and subsequently quit, until the hiring of Bannon and Conway, and his own resignation.

Manafort is also the person that made Pence VP. Remember he fabricated the "airplane is broken, have to stay here tonight’ to force Trump to spend the evening and next day in Indiana talking to Pence. That was also the day that Pence started doing the hard sell on Trump to hire him. Trump wanted to leave and go with Christie.


We will learn a great deal more about Mueller’s strategies this week, not just because of which indictment(s) drop, but because defendant attorneys will start talking (they are under no obligation to not leak). And, the deal making circus will kick into over drive as more underlings will start coming forward to speak with Mueller, which helps define where Mueller is heading.

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Manafort and Rick Gates told to surrender

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