The clues suggest that Colonel Prince assaulted Professor Nader in the Conservatory with a Pipe.
(While Mrs. Yang recorded.)
The clues suggest that Colonel Prince assaulted Professor Nader in the Conservatory with a Pipe.
(While Mrs. Yang recorded.)
But they have huge grins when they think about their billions in tax breaks!
He clearly believes he’s above the law. I just hope he’s not correct, but American oligarchs seem to do a good job protecting each other.
Is it me or does Prince look like Sylvester Stallone in that cartoon???
In January before Trump was sworn in, he swore that no one from his campaign had talked to anyone in Russia. There’s been an awful lot of lying about Russia for nothing to have happened.
El Gales, would you happen to know (for all of us) when he might just be stopping by in VA?
We can relay that to the Folks in the White Hats.
You don’t forget a meeting with Russian operatives with the purpose of subverting our democracy. He concealed it because he knew it was a crime and he was guilty. Prosecute him.
Yeah, the transcriber just forgot to include the most crucial part of his testimony in their notes. That always happens!
So was this meeting that Prince had in Trump Tower the “the adoptions meeting” or a different meeting? And did all the Russians use the dumb waiter or something to get to all these meetings because the Press was camped out in the lobby?
Mueller ought to ask the massage parlor madame if any of her Chinese clients donated money to trump’s campaign in order to get access for selfies with trump at Mar-a-Lago. If foreign money found its way into campaign coffers that would be illegal right there and that would be yet another fine reason to impeach/indict/arrest trump.
I do not see why democrats are so reticent about airing commercials showcasing illegal things trump has done in public. Tom Styer needs back up.
Wasn’t one of saudi arabia’s demands of qatar to end the blockade was that they shut down al jazeera?
Erik Prince of Arabia has betrayed America and is working to further the interests of America’s enemies. I hope that Erik Prince is treated the same way a discarded ISIS-bride-turned baby-momma is treated by the authorities when she wants to return to the United States.
Very good advice. Butcher Prince Mo Bone S.A.W. now has Mehdi Hasan’s name without help from his White House and WhatsApp whore Cuck Kushner. Mehdi Hasan should definitely stay away from the Saudi consulate to avoid the halal-style torture, throat slitting and wahabbi sunni sharia-style slicing and dicing of the corpse that befell Jamal Khashoggi. Has anyone checked to see whether something like this is completely the Constitutional under the Wahabbi Sharia law that governs Saudi Arabia? I think that you can buy your way out of murder in Saudi Arabia for a few thousand riyals.
Word has it that the LIbrary of Congress will open up another building to house and catalog the charges against Trump
It was like a parody of the courtroom climax of A Few Good Men, with Prince playing the Col, Jessup role, except in this case (1) a mercenary who (2) doesn’t even care enough to argue and (3) gets off scot-free.
Take this fraud down–And his sister, too.
That would be consistent with their authoritarian beliefs.
Different meeting.
The “adoptions” meeting was with Don Jr., Jared, Manafort, and the Russian cutout lady lawyer, set up by the English music promoter for the Agalarovs.
This meeting was with Don Jr., Prince, George Nader, and an Israeli social media manipulator, putatively on behalf of UAE and Saudi leaders who wanted to help Trump win.
It’s so hard to keep Don Jr.’s felonious plotting with foreigners straight.
Bahrain, Saudi Arabia’s partner in the blockade, demanded it,
[quote]Al Jazeera
On April 22, Bahrain’s Foreign Minister, Khalid bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa tweeted his “14th demand”, calling for the prosecution of Al Jazeera for “spreading lies and rumours that cause confusion in our countries”.
In July 2017, Bahrain and the other blockading countries issued a 13-point list of demands to lift the blockade on Qatar, including the shutdown of the Al Jazeera’s Network.[/quote]