Discussion: Schiff Criticizes Trump For Casting Doubt On Russian Election Meddling


Careful, Mr. Schiff, or Donnie is gonna whip out those beautiful electoral college maps again…



“President Trump must have the courage to raise the issue of Russian interference in our elections directly with President Putin, otherwise the Kremlin will conclude he is too weak to stand up to them. . . . He should also confront Russia over its continued destabilization of Ukraine, and the illegal annexation and continued occupation of Crimea and parts of Georgia."

Trump won’t. Trump can’t. Putin’s blackmail against him is too strong.


I love this guy.


It is nice seeing Dem leaders take a stand and rise up to the occasion.


Why did you delete that?

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You’re right, Trump can’t and won’t stand up to Putin. First, he’s a coward. Second, Putin has Trump by his, mmmm, little fingers.

Having said that, it’s great that Schiff laid out so clearly and succinctly what a real leader, a person with real presidential qualities should be doing. Democrats need to do two things: (1) point out the weaknesses and failings of Trump and his Republican enablers, and (2) put up strong candidates for public offices - local, county, state, federal - across the entire country. Put up candidates at all levels who can contrast strongly with the weak numbskulls that the Rs offer. We lost a lot of positions across the country during the Obama years for at least two reasons - Rs tapped into a lot of conservative racism and sexism, and Ds got complacent; after all, we had elected an African American to the presidency. We must combat the racism, sexism, etc., call it what it is, and we must also be diligent in articulating an alternative vision to that of the Rs. They play on fear and hate, Ds need to articulate specific ways to achieve the things that fill us with hope for ourselves, our communities and our country.


"Schiff received a political science degree from Stanford University and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School. After Harvard, Schiff began working as a prosecutor in the Los Angeles branch of the U.S. Attorney’s Office. While an assistant U.S. Attorney, he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union . . . "

Schiff “knows his shit.”


Election meddling?!?!?! Trump just cast doubt on America.


And to think we are discussing meddling in our elections a few days after celebrating our independence.


Military officers participating in and maintaining this charade-in-chief disgrace their oath and uniform…

yeah. he really is aces. i wouldn’t want to be interrogated by him even if i was innocent.(unlikely). schiff, feinstein, patty murray, al franken, and others have really stepped up. good for them!


He’s a twit, Adam. NAIL HIS ASS. His ‘followers’ insist he has the ‘right’ to do it. Others of us wish he’d STFU about things he doesn’t know or understand or believe. He pretends to be a Globalist when he’s over there and then he scurries back to the USA and pretends he’s a nationalist. He’s a lying miserable jerk. The only thing we can do is prove him wrong!


Schiff is right on the mark and he says things that a lot of Dems often don’t have the courage to say. But he speaks from authority. He’s not making stuff up. This is about complying with the oath of office. Trump attacked the IC, the first amendment, and our national security just to curry favor with Putin. It was a one-act treason play on full display.



Schiff’s critique is correct and well pointed but it can only join the long and growing litany of what should be or might have been.

It’s easy to overthink #45 – we just can’t believe no ‘pivot’ to presidential conduct is possible, that what we see is all there is or even less – and the same inclination leads us to overthink the Senate and House’s persistent production of virulently unpopular legislation; i.e., the essential, primary goal of the Republicans makes any ‘pivot’ to democratic or equitable conduct impossible; negative outcomes for the majority are baked in.

Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be controlled by what the coward fears. To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool. To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen. To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery. ~ Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents
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Just more weak attempts at distraction/deflection and obstruction. Luckily, he hires the “best” incompetents.

What if Trump continues to insist that the US Intel community cannot know for sure that it was the Russians, because that is what the Russians keep telling Trump. Trump is no cyber-security expert so he is getting that idea from someone and it is not the US Intel community.