“That we are entitled to.”
Every Democrat needs to keep saying this. Documents, witnesses, testimony, tax returns, etc.
Congress is entitled to them all under the Constitution and laws of the United States of America.
No matter what the Corrupt Criminal in Chief says or tweets.
Sounds like a blink.
Now, we all know that the low-info voters (particularly those of the MAGAt persuasion) will only pay attention to the blustering of LowBarr and others, but sure seems to me that there is a good reason why even LowBarr doesn’t want to push it to impeachment.
(Although I’m not clear, actually, as to why not – other than he believes it to ultimately be a losing proposition.)
Having your client impeached is not a good thing for a lawyer … even if he’s not supposed to be your client.
Makes sense.
In a stand-up fight between Schiff and Barr, I know where my money’s going.
Hair Twittler will have a melt-down when he finds out his AG fixer blinked.
And approximately 3 months from today, Schiff will be holding a vote to subpoena the very same documents he seems to think Barr has now agreed to give to the committee. The subpoena will demand production of the documents within an additional 21 days. DOJ will request and receive an additional 14 days before Barr tells Schiff to get lost. 10 days after that, the committee will vote to hold Barr in contempt. Then no further action will ever be taken, because Schiff is all talk and no action.
See you on Maddow tonight, Mr. Chairman.
can you explain why you think this is helpful or even correct? You’re making assumptions based on prejudices that don’t move anything forward. If you want instant gratification try masturbation or chocolate cake.
Arghhhhh! Stall tactic #52. Wake the fuck up, Schiff. I sure hope he’s not as gullible as this article’s headline makes it seem like he is. Methinks this is gonna go nowhere fast. My gut tells me this. Also, the headlines here often tend to be a bit misleading, so there is that…
Schiff is doing an excellent job forcing DOJ head and Trump henchmen Barr to comply with the law. Kudos!
Trump henchman Barr isn’t stalling on this issue anymore. Schiff made it clear Barr isn’t skating on anything else, and I believe him.
It’s a series of baby steps on the way to justice. Schiff is doing an superb job.
yeah, sure.
With respect, it seems like you’ve got some inference, internal contradiction, and projection going on in the above.
A blink or a bluff?
This only works if Schiff gets precisely what he wants, in full view, and by the end of next week. Anything less is just one more stalling tactic.
Wonder if DOJ begins to have a change of heart - partly thanks to judge Amit Mehta. IANAL but from what I heard, his ruling seems pretty stellar.
This will be the interesting part to watch.
Will Trump loose his shit? If he does, then I think it’s a blink by Barr.
If Trump doesn’t, then it’s a bluff. Orrrrr, is clever Fat Donny playing us???
Progress, no matter how small, is progress. I think we are begginning to see some cracks in Trump’s defense. I am trying to keep my anger under control especially since I have little control over the situation.
I’m gonna stick my neck out here and predict that this will not happen.
What paltry evidence do I bring forward, fearing condemnation by the wrathful cunctatorialists? That it has never happened.
If we start with the most plausible prior, that Trump et al. (and this may be a big al.) have done what they seem to have done, then it follows immediately that exposure of the facts simply cannot be allowed.
Go, Adam, go.
Charlie Brown held a press conference and announced that Lucy promised not to pull the football away this time.