Discussion: Scarborough Piles On Obama For 'Stupid,' 'Unbelievable' Crusades Mention At Prayer Breakfast


I was furious last evening when Lawrence O’Donnell thought that what Obama said about ISIS not representing Islam was the stupidest thing Obama has ever said.

Comes the Jordanian pilots off to bomb ISIS, with this slogan chalked on their bombs: ISIS does not represent ISLAM.

Epic fail, Mr. O’Donnell, who I usually like.


Love that rabbi.

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I have emailed Sam in the past and he has replied.

And while we’re on the subject of "“stupid left-wing moral equivalency,” remember when Scarborough was trying to get Chris Christie off the hook for Bridgegate by whining about how people weren’t taking the Lois Lerner/IRS ‘scandal’ as seriously?

"“The Washington Post and The New York Times are not putting on the front pages of their newspapers the fact that an internal investigation has been launched by the IRS on the most shady behavior, and yet they put the Pulaski Skybridge, or whatever, on A1?” -Joe Scarborough, defender of moral equivalency and hypocrisy

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Yeah, Joe…because telling the truth is just such a stupid, silly thing to do, right?

Ask the Jews of Spain in the time of the Inquisition. Please.

Just sounds like today’s Christians lie to themselves, a lot.

Actually, President Obama didn’t have to go all the way back to the Crusades to be sure, but in retrospect Morning Joke should be glad he did rather than remind this sanctimonious prick that Christian Extremists on the right in the form of White Supremacy, have used the same tactics as ISIL by burning black people alive…and in America! I know Joeblow doesn’t want to be reminded of those facts…but there it is. Own it you POS. It belongs to you, your history, and your ilk.


The Holocaust too. Hundreds of years ago. Totally irrelevant.

Whoa! What about Westboro Baptist Church? What about the abortion clinic bombings? What about the fundamentalist Mormons who marry 9 year olds?

Joe, you ignorant slut.


Yeah, O’Donnell has a bit of a contrarian streak that pisses me off occasionally. The stupid thing was that once you drill down, he’s not saying anything different from what Obama was: ISIL (sorry, Isis is an Egyptian goddess and really doesn’t deserve that association) is a twisted fringe of a major religion that is currently causing the world great grief and must be extinguished but doesn’t represent the religion as a whole. The UN speech O’Donnell cited approvingly simply switched the emphasis. What I wish he’d acknowledge is that every time someone makes his simplistic,erroneous argument, he’s feeding the hate-mongering nutbars who have been jonesing for a great clash-of-civilizations religious war. Just like ISIL.

Courtesy of Robbie Burns:

O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!


Better than my obscure auto-da-fe Inquisition reference. But O! I can never see one of those horrific images without being incredulous with grief and disgust that oh-so-respectable white citizens actually attended those barbarous events as entertainment. They posted notices. They brought their children. They had picnics. They made postcards. Postcards. It’s almost unbearable to conceive. Terrorism, indeed.


I will let you know. :slight_smile:

And you don’t have to go back hundreds of years or point to White Christian beliefs outside this country. One only needs to look here at home not so very long ago. As a White Southern politician, Joeblow should have a deeper understanding of this. His ignorance speaks volumes.

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You should do a little reading re the Crusades and the Inquisition before you talk.

“Sometimes you can just say, 'Hey, you know what? There are some really, really bad Muslim extremists”

FACT: that is what Obama has been saying every single time EXCEPT THIS ONCE. Unbunch your panties, you hyper-reactionary douche.

THaT waS A MILLION yearS agO. We are TALKING about RIGHT nOW!!

The National Prayer Breakfast should be fucking eliminated, but no politician has the brains or balls to make it happen. It started under Eisenhower and its run by that creepy misogynist group of Dominionist Christians in Washington by the name of The Fellowship also known as The Family. Its become far more sectarian over the years, leading to litmus tests on speakers of all sorts, and often going out of its way to ignore the good works of other religions in this country. I hate it when I see any President speak before them as a requirement of their job somehow. It brings religion into the public sphere where it has no business being pimped by any civic leader elected to office.


i like stein alot too… but frankly, i think he realized that the rant scarbro was on, it was impossible to counter with a logical argument. scarbro doesn’t allow coherent responses. he would have interrupted stein in his condescending, bitchy way; mocked him and dismissed him like he did ayman mohyeldin a couple of weeks ago when mohyeldin didn’t conform to the hagiography they were pushing of chris kyle.

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