Discussion: Scarborough: Paul Ryan Doesn't Have A Choice, He Has To Run For House Speaker

Being Speaker would be the end of his political career. Not that he’d be out of office, but he’d never be elected to a higher office. He’s smart to steer clear if he ever wants to run for President.


Nah. They’ll just buy more guns.

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Joe Scarborough ought to get over himself. Boehner had a choice, McCarthy had a choice and so does Ryan. None of them owe Joe anything. His party is in chaos because it of its own short sightetness. It couldn’t see where Beck and FOX were taking it. So it went and now it is there.


Paul Ryan is the social conservative problem not the solution. Joe is ready to capitulate to fascists rather than stand up for the integrity of the institution that makes our laws?

Congress has been highjacked by the Far Right. Republicans are cowards who will not deal with it. Or maybe they are too stupid to take the steps necessary to end this bullying? Why is the GOP afraid of the Koch Brothers and the Top 1%. They are only men and can be taken down. The “little people” will do it if they must but they will never respect the GOP again.

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This whole fiasco, nails it for me: Once and for all, we need to take the voting franchise away from native-born, white males. We’re talking about selecting the person who’s second in line for the presidency – the most powerful leader in Congress.

If it weren’t for native-born, white males (and I happen to be one, by the way), this dysfunctional gang of sociopathic grifters wouldn’t be in control of anything more than the South Carolina chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Gun safety. Tax policy. War. Climate change … As a group, white American men simply don’t have the capacity to make responsible – or even, reasonable – decisions.

I say this only partly in jest: Someone, please – for the sake of the world and this country – stop us from voting!


GOP: dumber than a box of rocks and searchng for the bottom.


Well Scarborough has looked at Ryan’s haircut and that tight trim tells people Ryan’s extremely smart and competent! Look at the sides next time you get a chance!


He isn’t forced. And Scaarborough hardly carries the weight of the GOP behind him. The guy was a minor Congressman who got caught having an affair and then got caught with a dead female staffer in his office. He did every thing he could to cover up both, refusing to ever discuss the matters and landed himself a job as a talking head. On MSNBC. Which in republican circles, is worse than working with Satan.

The fact that he is suggesting that ANYONE will be allowed to cut deals just shows how out of touch he is with what is really going on in the GOP Caucus these days.

The GOP had perhaps the most embarrassing moment in their history today (though the race for that moment is getting tight). And they are in a panic right now. So they are vacilating around and turning to Ryan as a sometimes TPer/sometimes Establishment player, as the mood and wind strike him, to be painted as some sort of white knight savior.

From his perspective, however, the job is still political suicide. The TPers will still gut him like a fish, as they will anyone who isn’t dedicated to complete destruction for destruction’s sake. And, the Establishment will toss him under the bus just as soon as it becomes apparent that he cannot tame the beast. Its a no win on all sides.


Ryan must have pissed off some preeetty high level folk in DC. It looks like they’re out for blood. To which I say: “BWAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAhahahaha!” Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fatuous jackass.

As a Speaker, Ryan wouldn’t last more than a year (or two) before he quits in absolute horror in order to avoid a complete irreparable mental breakdown.

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Because there is nobody else in the caucus or in the party that could bring together the conservatives and also bring together the main street Republicans like Paul."

Paul Ryan was a Main Street repub when he was the repub nominee for VP.

After that gig was over, he looked for another role.

A chameleon, that one.

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40 members of the teanuts have that much clout?

That’s sad, if true.

Embarrassing for the “law and order” party. What wimps.

If he’s successful in throwing elderly people off Social Security, Medicare, and/or Medicaid, Ryan might very well earn a widow’s pique.


I’m curious if the Republicans are actually enjoying fellating Ryan publicly or if they are doing it begrudgingly.


Yes, about 40, all white, all male, none with House seniority but newbies, and Peter King R-NY, making attempts at sounding moderate said

“Even then [1998] we knew we could resolve it ourselves,” said Representative Pete King, Republican of New York. “But now you have a situation where there are 30 or 40 people in their own party who say they are not going to vote for anyone no matter who it is. We have to end this. We look absolutely crazy.

These nuts may put Boner in a position to not be able to leave but to have to stay through 2016 because of a lack of any sound alternatives. And in 2016 Democrats can remind the American voters that the Rs ran saying they could govern better than Democrats


Sorry for shouting. It’s just that this is a fatal monkee-wrench in the plot Josh “Emperor Palpatine” has cooked up to magick up a functioning Congress. Or is it the Tinted One rubbing his hands together and chortling in his Secret Tanning Booth?

At least we know that the Speaker buys exclusively Maul-Brand tanning products.

I can’t think of a nicer guy for it to happen to…

Best description of the current Republican “situation” I’ve read today and I have no idea how it will end. It is truly frightening for all of us right now and I sure hope President Obama and Vice-President Biden don’t travel anywhere together.

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He already took one for the team when he said yes to Romney.