Discussion: Scarborough: Majority Whip's Impeachment Talk Is 'Devastating' For GOP

Discussion for article #225643

And what’s Chuckie Todd’s source backing up his claim that “the White House wants this”? Oh yeah! His fat, white, comfortable, inside-the-beltway, overpaid ass…


Clinton and Obama are very different. The impeachment helped Clinton. Frankly I am not positive, like so many people, that impeachment would help Obama. Maybe it would. But Clinton wasn’t bla.


I really do wonder why the GOP are so hell-bent on making Joe Biden President?

I mean, I like Biden well enough, but why the GOP wants to promote him is a little baffling to me.


I just made a one US cent (by credit card, through PayPal) donation to the campaign of Steve Scalise (R-LA). I encourage EVERYONE to do the same. HINT: It’ll cost them $0.30 to collect that penny.

Carry On, Tea Pottiers!


GOPs have to say what Scalise said. If they don’t,the nuts will stay home in November.


Of course now you know that you shall be getting hit up by every republican fundraising email! And you’ll be getting WND in your inbox too…

It was funny when I sent them the 1¢ donation too, but it took 8 months to get off the WND mailing list! They are worse than the Columbia House tape club…


Has anyone actually seen Joe’s long form?


Todd is a hack. I have no clue why he is still in the business.


The media in it’s horrific, curtain-call role as Audrey II imagines food, smells food and demands food, repeatedly…

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So on your Earth, being a hack is disqualifying, rather than being prerequisite for membership in the D.C. press corps? That must rock.


That’s the kink in the girdle. There’s no way the GOP wants Biden to succeed Obama. They would lose their best fundraising feature. Consequently, the GOP will never impeach Obama – they prefer to just stain him with the label of “impeachment-worthy.”


Scalise saw what happened to Eric Cantor. In the Republican Party you can not be too vicious, too partisan, or too crazy for the base. Remember: The Republican Party is home of most of this nation’s lowest homophobes, racists, anti-semites, Muslim and Latino bashers, female privates probers, gun-scum, etc. Their fascist ideology is only appeased by the prospect of blood. Scalise is just covering his butt with his party’s primary voters by wafting the scent of a morsel of black-skinned flesh. But the Republican Party isn’t racist, really: They have shown us that they will be this crazy, partisan, and vicious (Clintons!) toward any Dem without regard to any other innate or acquired human characteristic.


Its yet another facet of the Obummer’s 11-dimensional chess and a way to distract from BenGayZi.

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The electorate is going to look a lot different than many models predict.

Listen, Republicans lost to Obama, then lost Obamacare in the legislative process, judicial process, and electoral process – all while being promised full-repeal by Republicans.

Obamacare is here to stay, and Obama is no longer on the ballot. The Republican base isn’t fired up to vote FOR Republicans and they can’t vote AGAINST Obama. Therefore, I wouldn’t be surprised if Republicans don’t turn out in numbers expected.

At the same time, I think Liberals are more fired-up than many think – and this type of nutty talk only fuels it more. Blacks may over-represent the models, because I see blacks taking offense to this ‘nullification’ rhetoric.


When Joe Scarborough is the “Voice of Reason” your party is in deep, deep shit.


Scalise does want to win an election again: U.S. House Republican Caucus Leadership.

The caucus might look somewhat different in January when it votes for people to round out its leadership posts. If Scalise swats all of this talk down, he will be an insufficient firebrand to carry the torch of the purists into leadership discussions. That is of no use to Scalise at all, and even Boehner and McCarthy want to keep their idiot useful.

These comments weren’t made with an eye toward any general election. This was for the wonks who want confirmation they put the right Red State Representative in Leadership before he has a referendum 8 months later (or even eyes a challenge up the ladder).


Exactly right.

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If the House filed papers of Impeachment and started the process today…
…they will be voted out of power in the House this November. Its not even a question in my mind. Even with this just lawsuit, they are playing a dangerous game…example being Scalise on yesterday’s talk shows. The more they publicly talk about impeaching the President, the more they inflame their base…but they more they inflame indys and marginal Democrats against them.

And to make the game even more dangerous for them, impeachment is one of those words that political talking heads and journalists drool over. So its not only any nut that wants to talk about now has an open mic…every republican leader is going to be asked this. Repeatedly.

Wallace yesterday on Fox proved that. He literally kept asking Scalise three times about impeachment. And Scalise can’t just follow Scarborough’s advice…that would piss off the tea partiers pushing for this lawsuit…and pushing for impeachment as some sort of vengeful act of ultimate nullification.

Which is all this talk is. They ramble on using various hot buttons when asked to address specific crimes the President has committed, because to them the reason is obvious…he is a Democrat…and a black one to boot.


That’s exactly it. He, quite literally, dares not take impeachment off the table. If he does that in order to help his party expand its majority, or just hold seats in the remaining handful of competitive districts, he puts his own reelection at risk. He is now in leadership precisely because of that dynamic. And that fact is obvious to anyone who’s paying attention.

It’s the fact that Todd and Scarborough, two purportedly savvy insiders with a keen grasp of American politics, are utterly and completely (and, I think genuinely) blind to that fact that’s truly telling. They are blind to the reality that Republicans must cater to the stupid, and to the memes promulgated by the pro-stupidity faction of elites to keep their own seats even knowing that doing so alienates the non-stupid and makes it increasingly impossible to win national elections. In their business, anyone who recognizes and reports on the root cause of our systemic dysfunction–or even acknowledges that the dysfunction is systemic rather than a failure of presidential leadership–will get banished to the wilderness.