I’m thinking that Hillary is not so bashable if she is not declared. It gets boring bashing Paul all day. The pundits need more red meat.
You really need to get on some meds.
Oh Joe, stop being a Fox wannabe, and start admitted that you’re just a first class asshole.
Am I the only one that is apprehensive about Hillary running? I’ll vote for her but I don’t think she can win. The media is going to put a bulls-eye on her from day one. She’ll get twice the negative press that her GOP rival will get. Which will make her overly cautious in her campaign which will make her look timid, indecisive and sometimes bumbling. If you don’t believe me take a look at the coverage the 2000 Gore campaign received.
Hillary will get worse coverage than Gore did. She’s not new or fresh and she’s expected to win. The media knows the only interesting story is if she doesn’t win so they’ll work hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Personally I worry about the country if the GOP wins the White House. The Supreme Court nominations alone could set us back 20 years.
Joke Scarborough - stop being a robot and admit you’re just terrified that your latest presidential fantasy won’t run - that being Jeb (having already discarded your previous fantasy - Christie!)
your outrage is as phony and fake as you are!
You really need to have your Snark Meter adjusted.
Notice the string of exclamation points interspersed with numeral 1s as the finger momentarily slips off the shift key from pounding the keyboard so forcefully, and then, body gripped in so much rage, it’s escalated from a mere releasing of the shift key to involuntarily convulsing out the word ONE.
Now, you might disagree with the content, but you gotta respect an individual who says it with so much passion.
This just has to be the most fun Joe Scarborough has had berating and verbally abusing a woman since the old Scarborough Country days when he bashed Natalie Maines and the Dixie Chicks nightly.
It’s visceral ain’t it?
every single day he’s on air, TPM carries a Joe story. Usually the blurb MSNBC uses in its promos for his rebranding. Maybe TPM owns a piece of his publicist.
she’s accustomed to dominant men (see her father, older brother); so the attraction to bullies comes natural. the body language between those two is curious…
Roombas find this comparison highly insulting and are organizing a Million Vac Robot March.
I gave up on joe’s show sometime ago. It became apparent that his rants were becoming more in line with the last person to pay for his morning coffee. One day this way, next day another and some days, dumb and confused with no coffee.
Aren’t Presidential campaigns long enough already?
And Joe, you’re just a tool.
Well ! Bless your heart, Joe.
Hillary 's just doing it just to piss you off…
hard to take this site seriously when it covers this drivel… used to be one of my go to sites to learn and see what is not available elsewhere… no more…
Why doesn’t Joe say the same thing about Chris Christy or Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, or Huckabee??? It could be because Hillary has a real chance to be POTUS. Joe including Jeb Bush within the context of talking about Hillary running is just bull crap. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christy, and Rand Paul have been unofficially running for POTUS for two years now. Where is the rant on them??
Scarborough Fair refers to a Simon and Garfunkel song and not political commentary by Joe.
Care for some cheese with that whine? Pfft.