Scaramucci admitted to deleting the tweets as an indication of “transparency” and that his past views had “evolved”:
Evolved = A filthy amount of cash and future options convinced me to change my mind
These people are the best grifters EVER
and I am cashing in
This guy would have jumped onto the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.
So brash, so full of himself, I almost look forward to his wraithing. Looks like it’s already self-started.
'The Mooch" is a douche
I think it’s the same as Donald
Craves the spotlight
Good or bad , just as long as they’re paying attention to him
I fear The March of Progress stopped too soon. It should have been more circular, demonstrating our devolution back to apehood.
Sorry to any apes that may feel insulted.
Unctuous soulless weasel. I don’t say it lightly but he is a worthless piece of shit and I can see why even Bannon, Priebus et al, would find his presence offensive.
Someone should tell Moochie that the internet is forever, and deleting tweets is a fool’s errand—which is why he’s doing it, I suppose.
I’m betting there were at least 33,000 of them…
Only Trump’s Director of Communications would be so dog-ignorant about something so basic. And only Trump’s Director of Communications would say that hiding stuff, deleting it, sweeping it under the rug and throwing it down the memory hole was an example of one’s commitment to “transparency.” And his past views are no longer operative—he thinks differently now, those views having “evolved,” he’s completely committed to the Trump agenda because that’s where the bucks are coming from and that’s that. Next subject!
The trouble with Spicey, down deep, was he was too honest. He couldn’t lie well enough. People like Trump, Sanders, and Scaramucci are the kind that can fool polygraphs because they’re just pathological. They find each other, these people. People were telling Trump he needed an experienced Washington hand in this role, but Trump was wiser than that. Nobody with the slightest tether to reality or wish to be an honest broker could do the job. You have to care only about fooling the marks. No other skill or virtue matters. So the right guy is in the job! Give Trump credit for that, at least.
Giant douche. I used to think that that picture in the American Heritage Dictionary next to “douchebag” was Rinse, but I think it was actually Mooch all along.
Have you seen the clip of him asking PBO a question, I’m guessing from early in Obama’s first term?
So smug. Spent as much time talking about his insider access (fouled PBO playing basketball) and Harvard connections as he did asking the two questions.
With no sense of irony, he was asking why Main Street and PBO harshed on Wall Street! All you have to do is listen to this guy for two minutes, and you feel like you need a shower.
Or an oil change…
Have the london bookies got a line yet on how long he is expected to last?
The judicial administration of gotcha, on the other hand, is just getting warmed up.
Well, shoot, you look at it this way, Trump’s whole rogue’s gallery administration said NO to this guy. Priebus said No Way José and Bannon said My Dead Body and Spicer said I Quit. That tells you a fair bit. It’s like you throw him in a pit and all the rats and scorpions are saying “Ohhhhh no you don’t, I’m not staying in the same pit with that mofo.”
Follow the money from the Mooch back to China - that bought his hedge fund company as a way to buy influence in the Trump administration.
Like Trump, the Mooch tends toward maximal grandiosity… which sets him on a collision course with the inevitable upstaging the boss - at which point he’ll be cast adrift.
Every day is a new day in twitter world and Trumpworld - what was said yesterday no longer applies today…unless it does. Am I right, Tony Mooch?
[quote=“mike_in_houston, post:18, topic:59504”]
Like Trump, the Mooch tends toward maximal grandiosity… which sets him on a collision course with the inevitable upstaging the boss - at which point he’ll be cast adrift.
[/quote]Cast adrift with a bus on his ass.